Monday, November 28, 2011

Gail's Weekly Chamber UPDATE

Hope you had a wonderful – and filling – Thanksgiving!

This Sunday, 12/4, is ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ at the historic Pickwick Theatre benefitting the Park Ridge Community Fund – sponsored by Liberty Bank and Advocate Lutheran General Hospital and Advocate Lutheran General Childrens Hospital. No charge for the movie but donations for the PRCF will be gratefully accepted. The PRCF is also selling raffle tickets $10 each or 3 for $25 for and iPad donated Liberty Bank; a Kindle Touch donated by Nick Boudreau, Edward Jones; $100 Chamber Gift Certificates; and a beautiful quilted red & white bag handcrafted by Sheri Roche. Movie starts at 1 but doors open at noon for the organist and Willows Academy Chamber Choir.

Remember the Buffalo Trace Millenium Bottle of Bourbon that was donated to the Park Ridge Community Fund? A collector from New York called and bought it for $1,000!

Winterfest 2011

Winterfest on Black Friday was unbelievable! I’d like to take the credit but most of the credit goes, once again, to Mother Nature for giving us a perfect evening that brought out the huge crowds. How were your sales?

It was a wonderful event that did take some planning so thank you to our planning partners, Mary Dalton from the library; Ed Graham from the City; the PR Fire Department who brought Santa in on the truck and held their open house in South Park; Maine South High School Marching Band and Joel Matter their teacher; all the merchants who stayed open; the Boy Scouts Troop 3 who did the luminaries with Ed Graham; South Park Merchants who had the reindeer; the Willows Academy Chamber Choir; BMO Harris Bank; and the Holiday Lights Coalition who made the season bright with the holiday lights. Also, thank you to Jackie Mathews, president of the Chamber, for being a trooper and running all over town with us!

The Park Ridge Garden Club selected Jenny and Rick Kulik’s home at 405 S. Prospect as the Best Decorated House for Winterfest 2011! The City made the yard sign. I had the honor of informing them and taking their pictures – they were excited and delighted.

New Member Orientation Tomorrow If you’d like to learn more about the Chamber’s benefits, plan to attend the quarterly New Member Orientation tomorrow morning from 9 to 10 that the Chamber Ambassadors sponsor. When you got your first Ambassador visit, it may have been overwhelming to sit and listen to all the Chamber has to offer so come hear it again and ask questions.

Thank you to our Ambassadors:
• Susan Frangos, Higher Level Wellness (Chair of the Ambassadors)

• Jo Ann Arnswald, Village Bank and Trust
• Diddy Blyth, A Sterling Design
• Tom Dombro, ING Insurance (and director on the board)
• Marta Hoover, Copy Set Printing
• Karen Larsen, Generation Connection
• Mary Lee Quaid, Lee Acupuncture & Healing
• Lisa Shewfelt, Coldwell Banker Realty
• Ben Wilson, Falkor Group LLC (and director on the board)
Indira’s Lifestyle Reward Event I forgot to mention in last week’s Member News that Indira has its Lifestyle Reward Event on Wednesday, Nov. 30 from 4 to 9 p.m. 10% off Aveda (excluding holiday gift sets).

Mark Your Calendar for these Events!

November 29, Tuesday, 9:00am – 10:00am New Member Orientation hosted by The Ambassadors – join us for this informative session to learn all about the Chamber.

December 1, Thursday, 10:00am – 11:30am, (EKG) Entrepreneurial Knowledge Group Monthly Meeting , Regus, 350 S. NW Highway, Suite 300

December 2, Friday, 5:00pm – 8:00pm First Fridays Park Ridge – “Once Upon Park Ridge” – in shops & restaurants throughout city.

December 4, Sunday, 1pm (doors open at noon), "It's a Wonderful Life" Movie to benefit PR Community Fund, Pickwick Theatre, 5 S. Prospect Ave. - Free admission but donations to the Park Ridge Community Fund greatly accepted. Raffle tickets for iPad and Kindle Touch, $100 Chamber Gift Certificate are being sold now: 3 for $25 or $10 each. Liberty Bank for Savings and Advocate Lutheran General Hospital & ALG Childrens Hospital are sponsoring this annual holiday event.

December 8, Thursday, 8:45am – 10:15am Tech Forum - Moderated by Ben Wilson, Falkor Group LLC.

December 9, Friday, 8:45am – 9:45am PREN1: Park Ridge Executive Network

December 14, Wednesday, 11:30am to 1:30pm, Monthly Networking Luncheon at Hyatt Regency O’Hare, 9300 Bryn Mawr Ave. Rosemont, Oneri Fleita, Chicago Cubs VP of Player Development and Park Ridge resident, $25 for members and $30 for prospective members and walk ins. Comp parking.

December 15, Thursday, 5:00pm-7:00pm Business After Hours Comfort Inn O’Hare/Des Plaines, 2175 E Touhy Ave., Des Plaines

December 16, Friday, 9:30am – 10:30am PREN 3: Park Ridge Executive Network

December 18, Sunday, 5:00pm – 8:00pm, St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church Sunday Supper, 320 S. Washington, Help us serve or monetary or food donations needed.

December 19, Monday, 8:30am – 9:30am, Newsletter Meeting

December 27, Tuesday, 9:00am – 10:00am, PREN 2: Park Ridge Executive Network

December 28, Wednesday, 9:00am -10:30am Health Care Forum, 720 Garden St.

December 28, Wednesday, 6:00pm – 7:30pm Retail Roundtable Meeting, 720 Garden, If you have a shop in Park Ridge then don’t miss out on the Chamber’s Retail Roundtable! RSVP to the Chamber if you can attend.


• January 21, 2012, Installation & Community Star Awards Dinner at the Park Ridge Country Club
Contact me: Gail Haller
Executive Director
Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce
720 Garden Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068

phone: 847.825.3121
fax: 847.825.3122

Thank you to our Platinum members
1. All on the Road Catering & Bakery: 847.518.8958
2. AthletiCo Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy: 847-292-4710
3. ATI Physical Therapy: 847.292.0151
4. Blufish Sushi Bistro: 847.720.4479
5. Charter Fitness of Park Ridge: 847.318.7550
6. Comfort Inn O'Hare/Des Plaines: 847.635.1300
7. D'Agostino's Pizza & Pub: 847.518.8700
8. E.J. Coyne & Company Inc: 847.692.9077
9. Express Auto Center: 847.813.9469
10. Home Comfort Heating & Cooling: 847.824.4336
11. Houlihan's Restaurant: 847.692.6205
12. Jason's Deli: 847.823.0210
13. K.G.M. Plumbing, Inc.: 847.583.8988
14. LIN-MAR Motors: 847.965.4200
15. North South Masonry & Tuckpointing: 847.384.0917
16. Pangaea Tiling & Decorative Painting: 847.899.3539
17. Paul Davis Emergency Services: 847.692.5000
18. Periodontics of Niles: 847.685.6686
19. Pickwick Theatre: 847.825.5800
20. Responsive Management Solutions: 847.804.8800
21. Resurrection Health Care: 847.813.3210
22. Ross E. Rubino, D.D.S.P.C. & Associates: 847.825.1002
23. Transition Brokers RE: 312.399.2490
24. Unbound Technology: 847.235.4994
25. Village Bank & Trust: 847-870-6007 New!
26. Why Not Complete Home Improvement: 847-297-0101
27. Y-Tech Heating & Cooling: 847.696.0477
28. You can be here!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Member News...11/23/11

From all the Chamber staff, Dorothy, Cindy, Marci and me – have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! We are so thankful for you!

Please come out for Winterfest on Friday between 5:45 and 9 p.m. 4 trolleys. Reindeer in South Park. The PR Garden Club will judge for the ‘Best Decorated House’ on Friday and the winner will receive a yard sign and $100 Chamber gift certificate. Many stores will have specials – read about some.
Did you know…? Did you know:

… Small Business Saturday is this Saturday? Please stop in your favorite local store and buy something! They have so much to offer and we don’t want them to go out of business because you’re not shopping there!

… Toy Emporium is going to have a BIG SALE on Friday Nov.25 up to 50%
off on selected items ( just 1 day ). Every child will get a free gift. The store will be open Friday Nov 25; 10am - 9 pm 143 S. VINE AVE 847- 292-TOYS (8697)

… At Chico's -- Wednesday through Sunday -- your entire purchase of regular priced items is 30% OFF (plus your 5% passport) -- WOW !! 35% OFF on regular priced items!!! And already reduced merchandise and accessories are 50% OFF OF THE SALE PRICE! We received a shipment of sale merchandise from another store, so the sale area is overflowing with great deals! Plus we have new gift items and more new merchandise for your holiday wardrobe. Open 10 AM to 6 PM Wednesday through Saturday and 11 AM to 5 PM on Sunday.

…Jason’s Deli is offering a free $5 gift card when you buy $50 in gift cards!

… Make your Manicure & Pedicure appointments with Linda Russo Stylist in Park Ridge, so that your feet feel great after all your Black Friday shopping!
Call Linda Russo at 847-493-9012 www.

… Everyone is invited to FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT at Gospel Life @ Messiah Campus, 1605 Vernon Avenue, Park Ridge (one block south of Advocate Lutheran General Hospital). FREE every Sunday Evening at 5:00pm for FAITH, FOOD and FUN! Popcorn, nachos and pizza served! Questions? Contact Jeff Foster at 224-610-9821

… Diddy Blyth has just published the 2012 Historical Calendar in a CD jewel case that sits on a desktop. She used her own images of Park Ridge and compiled an interesting array of historical facts of Park Ridge that sits on top of a continental divide. Many more interesting facts are stated on the back of each monthly page. Only $15.00 each. Call 847-698-6383; write to get you calendar for teacher gifts, grab bag item or family stocking stuffers!

… LaPelusa Home Improvement Inc. is a winner of the 2012 Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics, which spotlights companies that exemplify ethical business practices and is presented by The Better Business Bureau serving Chicago & northern Illinois (BBB).

… Tasty Pup offers a free Gyros sandwich with the purchase of a Gyros, fry & Large drink every Friday during the winter.

… To dispose of old fire extinguishers properly, discharge them in a backyard or a dumpster. This provides a good training opportunity, and shows you how ineffective an outdated extinguisher is. Now that it is no longer pressurized, the fire extinguisher can be disposed of in regular trash. (from PRFD)

… Interior Offices available at Regus and ready for move in an uptown Park Ridge location. Professional office space with all amenities needed to successfully run your business. Let us take care of your office so you can focus on the success of your business! Shared Office starting at $300.Contact Gina Marzullo, Center Manager 847-656-5205, 350 S. Northwest Highway Suite 300

… Vive! Therapeutic Massage specializes in the clinical application of therapetic massage techniques to to improve the well being and health of our clients. We aim to provide relief for those suffering from injuries, chronic physical conditions or stress. No manicures, pedicures or facials here. Just darn good massage from the massage specialists. All of our therapists are licensed and have advanced training in therapeutic modalities. 847.637.0002

… that Nick Straub, owner of Perry’s Pizzeria, has a wonderful singing voice and sings with the Park Ridge Chorale? You can hear them sign on Sat. Dec. 10 at 7 p.m. Call Pattie at 847.825.2216 or Penny at 847.823.3958 for tickets.

… 2 Sisters says Start Your Holiday Season with Us at Winterfest 2011 with FREE Snuggly Socks for the First 500• 6pm. See Santa @ 2 Sisters• 7pm
20% off ALL Purchases• 6-9pm

… Liberty Bank for Savings and Advocate Lutheran General Hospital and ALG Childrens Hospital are sponsoring “It’s a Wonderful Life!” at the Pickwick on Sunday, Dec. 4. The doors open at noon with live entertainment. Suggested donated of $5pp to benefit the Park Ridge Community Fund. Raffle tickets $10 each or 3 for $25 for an iPad (donated by Liberty Bank); a Kindle Touch (donated by Nick Boudreau, Edward Jones) and $100 Park Ridge Chamber gift certificates. Buy your tickets in advance!

Amphora Amphora will be closed on Thursday, November 24th.
Winterfest hours: Amphora will be open from Noon to 8pm, Friday November 25th.

Santa is coming....

Bring the kids and your camera and visit Santa in the store from 1pm to 3pm Saturday, November 26th.
Enjoy live Christmas music by Joe Brown and a friend.

While the kids are having fun, shop for ornaments and all the trimmings to make your home festive for the holidays.
We have pashminas, home accessories, rugs, lamps and hundreds of gift ideas all at cost.
Make Amphora a tradition on your holiday list and make family memories as well.
Saturday, November 26th is American Express Small Business Saturday

For the second year in a row, American Express has a special incentive:
a $25 statement credit offer for Cardmembers who register their Card
and spend $25 or more at any qualifying small business that accepts the American Express Card. Register your card today and shop Amphora on Saturday!
Oakton Community College: 70th Anniversary Remembrance of Pearl Harbor Attend a 70th Anniversary Remembrance of Pearl Harbor

Honor the memory of the more than 2,400 Americans who died during the Japanese attack on the Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii on December 7, 1941, at a special ceremony at Oakton on Wednesday, December 7.

Sponsored by the Department of Historical and Policy Studies and Office of Veterans Coordinator, the event will feature Betsy Tolstedt, Ph.D., team leader of the Evanston Veterans Center representatives, who will speak on “Pearl Harbor: Life Changing – World Changing: The Impact of the Pearl Harbor Attacks in December 1941 and Beyond.”

The remembrance will take place at both campuses, 12:30 – 2 p.m., at Oakton’s Skokie campus, 7701 North Lincoln Avenue (Room C120), and 5 – 7 p.m., at Oakton’s Des Plaines campus, 1600 East Golf Road (Room 1625). At the forums, Oakton students will read eyewitness accounts of the attack.

The commemorations also will feature Oakton commentators Wendy Maier-Sarti, professor of history (Skokie), Jim Holderfield, history and political science instructor (Des Plaines), and Veteran and Workforce Specialist Vince Donahue Jr. (Des Plaines and Skokie).
Brickton Art Center Brickton Art Center
Join us for the 7th ANNUAL BENEFIT ART EXHIBITION AND AUCTION at Brickton Art Center, 306 Busse Hwy, through Dec. 10th, 2011.

Featuring works donated by professional artists for a silent auction and art exhibition. Bidding through Saturday, Dec. 10th at 9pm.

This year Brickton Art Center has invited students from school district 207 to participate by submitting new creations on 5” X 5” canvas. Each will be sold for a flat fee and proceeds from sales of student work go toward a scholarship fund, which will be awarded to a participating student.

Closing Night Gala, Saturday, Dec. 10th, 7-9:30pm, free and open to the public. Enjoy an evening of champagne and hors d’oeurvres while you enter the winning bid on your favorite work of art!

Bidding will close one wall at a time starting at 9pm.

Check for online bidding instructions after 11/16/2011. For more information call: 847-823-6611.

Carol A. Teschky – Congratulations again! Carol A. Teschky named Supervisor of the Year

Maine Township Supervisor Carol A. Teschky was named Supervisor of the Year by the Illinois Township Association of Senior Centers Services Committee (ITASCSC) at the annual conference of Township Officials of Illinois on Nov. 8 in Springfield. Known widely in the community as a staunch advocate for seniors, Teschky received the award because of her outstanding commitment to meeting the needs of seniors within Maine Township.

First elected to her position as a Maine Township trustee in 1989, Teschky was appointed Supervisor when Bob Dudycz retired from the position in 2007. Since her re-election as Supervisor in 2009, she has supported and developed the transportation service that subsidizes the cost of transportation to both seniors and the disabled. Supervisor Teschky has also seen to it that the necessary assistance, such as Medicare D, Circuit Breaker, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Veterans Services and other pertinent programs reach the seniors who need them the most. Additionally, she has advocated for the Township to support existing community senior programs and centers so that duplication of services is minimized. Her own active participation in programs, as well as her encouragement of other elected officials to get involved, were also critical factors in choosing her for the honor.

Established to address the need to enhance senior services for the growing number of seniors in Illinois communities, ITASCSC was officially recognized by the Township Officials of Illinois in 1982.
WineStyles Join Park Ridge WineStyles as they celebrate their 4th Anniversary
Wine Tasting Friday, December 2nd for First Fridays 5 to 8
Taste from two tables of wines, if you insist wines free for wine club $5 for non Wine Tasting Saturday December 3rd 3 to 5
Taste from two tables of wines, bring a toy for toys for tots unwrapped.
Thank you for our loyal customers, we are grateful to be here 4 years!

Tracy & Doug Bell/owners
WineStyles Park Ridge
105 S. Northwest Highway
Park Ridge, Il 60068
847-518-WINE (9463)
847-518-9464 fax
Tues-Friday 11-7
Saturday 11-6
Sun 12-5
closed mondays

Periodontics of Niles Get Ready for the Holidays Special from Periodontics of Niles":
"Because the Holidays are getting closer, you can now be ready to be closer with everyone else with our Get Ready for the Holidays Special! You will discover the secret to having a brighter smile and fresher breath!"
With our special, you will receive the following: Comprehensive Exam, X-Rays, Personal Consultation, Preventative Professional Cleaning*, Teeth Whitening Kit, and Fresh Breath System... all for only $198.00. Call us now at (847) 685-6686 to RSVP because this special expires 12-21-11!
*In absence of periodontal disease. Reg. fee $455.

15% of courtesy for senior citizens

Periodontics of Niles gives special Courtesy discounts to the Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce:
1. Chamber of Commerce Employees and Board Members: 20% Courtesy
2. Chamber of Commerce Members: 15% Courtesy
Park Ridge Cultural Arts Council Winterfest Gift Gallery 2011 will offer scrumptious one-of-a-kind gifts for the discerning shopper at its two-day Gift Gallery at 29 S. Prospect Avenue (the old Raffia store). The sponsor, the Park Ridge Cultural Arts Council, will staff the Gallery of Gifts from 10:00AM to 8:00PM on November 25th and 26th in the heart of Park Ridge.

Park Ridge Artists have generously donated their time and talents to hand-paint coffee table boxes to be sold as treasure caches or trinket holders, change caddies or jewel sachets. These same artists will have their own paintings on display to sell; “Across the Street” will offer decorated fresh holiday wreaths, silk holiday arrangements and yummy condiments, A Sterling Design will have its 2012 Historical Park Ridge CD-sized desk calendar and stationery, and the Green Room jewelry will tantalize you with sparkle and bling. Fresh Poinsettias can be whisked home to announce the coming season of merriment and love.

Petite Opera Show Schedule for Amahl and the Night Visitors FRI Dec 2, 7:30 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest Lutheran Choir of Chicago
SAT Dec 3, 2:00 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest The Great Frankini (musician)
SAT Dec 3, 7:30 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest Musicke's Merrie Companions (recorder quintet)
FRI Dec 9, 7:30 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest Galina Dance Studio performing "The Christmas Tree" ballet
SAT Dec 10 7:30 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest Willows Academy Madrigal Singers
SUN Dec 11, 7:30 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest Musicke's Merrie Companions (recorder quintet)
For tickets: Reserve via phone: Petite Opera 847.553.4442. Reserve via email: Purchase online via credit card (convenience fees apply)

Contact Me: Gail Haller
Executive Director
Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce
720 Garden Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068

phone: 847.825.3121
fax: 847.825.3122

Thank you to our Platinum members
1. All on the Road Catering & Bakery: 847.518.8958
2. AthletiCo Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy: 847-292-4710
3. ATI Physical Therapy: 847.292.0151
4. Blufish Sushi Bistro: 847.720.4479
5. Charter Fitness of Park Ridge: 847.318.7550
6. Comfort Inn O'Hare/Des Plaines: 847.635.1300
7. D'Agostino's Pizza & Pub: 847.518.8700
8. E.J. Coyne & Company Inc: 847.692.9077
9. Express Auto Center: 847.813.9469
10. Home Comfort Heating & Cooling: 847.824.4336
11. Houlihan's Restaurant: 847.692.6205
12. Jason's Deli: 847.823.0210
13. K.G.M. Plumbing, Inc.: 847.583.8988
14. LIN-MAR Motors: 847.965.4200
15. North South Masonry & Tuckpointing: 847.384.0917
16. Pangaea Tiling & Decorative Painting: 847.899.3539
17. Paul Davis Emergency Services: 847.692.5000
18. Periodontics of Niles: 847.685.6686
19. Pickwick Theatre: 847.825.5800
20. Responsive Management Solutions: 847.804.8800
21. Resurrection Health Care: 847.813.3210
22. Ross E. Rubino, D.D.S.P.C. & Associates: 847.825.1002
23. Transition Brokers RE: 312.399.2490
24. Unbound Technology: 847.235.4994
25. Village Bank & Trust: 847-870-6007 New!
26. Why Not Complete Home Improvement: 847-297-0101
27. Y-Tech Heating & Cooling: 847.696.0477
28. You can be here!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Gail's Weekly Chamber UPDATE

Congratulations to our 2011 Park Ridge Community Stars:
• Sheila Duda
• Karen Larsen
• Dean Patras
• Susan Scatchel
• Tony Tripp
• Carol A. Teschky
• Mary Jo DiRe; Margaret Gallagher-Smythe; Adrienne Timm

Congratulations to Bill Scharringhausen for being selected to receive a Lifetime Award!

A detailed press release will be issued shortly!

Last week we had the Chamber board meeting, newsletter committee meeting, retail committee meeting, installation dinner committee meeting, past president selection committee meeting to review and select community stars, holiday lights coalition debrief, ambassador luncheon meeting, business after hours at Lisa’s Homemade Italian Ice, grand opening and ribbon cutting at Dunkin’ Donuts, Gourmet Gift Stop at the train station, and the women in business holiday luncheon at Gibson’s Bar and Steakhouse with Cynthia Glensgard speaking about fair trade.

Thank you to everyone who donated their time and energy because this Chamber is nothing without you!

Thank you to those who donated raffle prizes and to those who bought the tickets for the Women in Business raffle:

• Jay Crowley – Gibson’s $50 gift card

• Jay Crowley – Holiday bracelet designed by Suzann Wilson, Beadphoria

• Georgine Donovan – Earrings designed by Suzann Wilson, Beadphoria

• Susan Frangos – Linda Russo, hairstylist, 20% off salon service

• Ulyana Lysak – Sweet Tasting for 15 at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory

• Lisa Arreguin – Park Ridge Calendar designed by Diddy Blyth, A Sterling Design

• Mary Lamb - TriPilates Gift Certificate

• Lori Diversey – Bottle of Champagne donated by Lynda Tourloukis, You Can Say Yes…Motivational Guidance Services

• Mary Lamb – Like New Auto Spa Car Wash

• Jackie Mathews – TechStuff PC and Video Gift Certificate

• Lori Diversey – decorative tissue and soap dispenser donated by Sheri Roche (not sure if you want to put this as it wasn’t for PRCF)

November 22, Tuesday, 9:00am – 10:00am PREN 2: Park Ridge Executive Network

November 23, Wednesday, 9:00am -10:30am Health Care Forum, 720 Garden St.

November 25, Friday, 6:00pm-9:00pm Winterfest! Uptown and South Park. Ride the trolleys. See Santa arrive on the firetruck in front of the library. Reindeer in South Park. Carolers. Maine South High School Marching Band. Best Decorated house contest along the trolley route of Prospect and Courtland. Luminaries.

November 29, Tuesday, 9:00am – 10:00am New Member Orientation hosted by The Ambassadors – join us for this informative session to learn all about the Chamber.

December 1, Thursday, 10:00am – 11:30am, (EKG) Entrepreneurial Knowledge Group Monthly Meeting , Regus, 350 S. NW Highway, Suite 300

December 2, Friday, 5:00pm – 8:00pm First Fridays Park Ridge – “Once Upon Park Ridge” – in shops & restaurants throughout city.

December 4, Sunday, 1pm (doors open at noon), "It's a Wonderful Life" Movie to benefit PR Community Fund, Pickwick Theatre, 5 S. Prospect Ave. - Free admission but donations to the Park Ridge Community Fund greatly accepted. Raffle tickets for iPad and Kindle Touch, $100 Chamber Gift Certificate are being sold now: 3 for $25 or $10 each. Liberty Bank for Savings and Advocate Lutheran General Hospital & ALG Childrens Hospital are sponsoring this annual holiday event.

December 8, Thursday, 8:45am – 10:15am Tech Forum - Moderated by Ben Wilson, Falkor Group LLC.

December 9, Friday, 8:45am – 9:45am PREN1: Park Ridge Executive Network

December 14, Wednesday, 11:30am to 1:30pm, Monthly Networking Luncheon at Hyatt Regency O’Hare, 9300 Bryn Mawr Ave. Rosemont, Oneri Fleita, Chicago Cubs VP of Player Development and Park Ridge resident, $25 for members and $30 for prospective members and walk ins. Comp parking.

December 15, Thursday, 5:00pm-7:00pm Business After Hours Comfort Inn O’Hare/Des Plaines, 2175 E Touhy Ave., Des Plaines

December 16, Friday, 9:30am – 10:30am PREN 3: Park Ridge Executive Network

December 18, Sunday, 5:00pm – 8:00pm, St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church Sunday Supper, 320 S. Washington, Help us serve or monetary or food donations needed.

December 19, Monday, 8:30am – 9:30am, Newsletter Meeting

December 27, Tuesday, 9:00am – 10:00am, PREN 2: Park Ridge Executive Network

December 28, Wednesday, 9:00am -10:30am Health Care Forum, 720 Garden St.

December 28, Wednesday, 6:00pm – 7:30pm Retail Roundtable Meeting, 720 Garden, If you have a shop in Park Ridge then don’t miss out on the Chamber’s Retail Roundtable! RSVP to the Chamber if you can attend.


• January 21, 2012, Installation & Community Star Awards Dinner at the Park Ridge Country Club
Gail Haller
Executive Director
Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce
720 Garden Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068

phone: 847.825.3121
fax: 847.825.3122

Thank you to our Platinum members
1. All on the Road Catering & Bakery: 847.518.8958
2. AthletiCo Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy: 847-292-4710
3. ATI Physical Therapy: 847.292.0151
4. Blufish Sushi Bistro: 847.720.4479
5. Charter Fitness of Park Ridge: 847.318.7550
6. Comfort Inn O'Hare/Des Plaines: 847.635.1300
7. D'Agostino's Pizza & Pub: 847.518.8700
8. E.J. Coyne & Company Inc: 847.692.9077
9. Express Auto Center: 847.813.9469
10. Home Comfort Heating & Cooling: 847.824.4336
11. Houlihan's Restaurant: 847.692.6205
12. Jason's Deli: 847.823.0210
13. K.G.M. Plumbing, Inc.: 847.583.8988
14. LIN-MAR Motors: 847.965.4200
15. North South Masonry & Tuckpointing: 847.384.0917
16. Pangaea Tiling & Decorative Painting: 847.899.3539
17. Paul Davis Emergency Services: 847.692.5000
18. Periodontics of Niles: 847.685.6686
19. Pickwick Theatre: 847.825.5800
20. Responsive Management Solutions: 847.804.8800
21. Resurrection Health Care: 847.813.3210
22. Ross E. Rubino, D.D.S.P.C. & Associates: 847.825.1002
23. Transition Brokers RE: 312.399.2490
24. Unbound Technology: 847.235.4994
25. Village Bank & Trust: 847-870-6007 New!
26. Why Not Complete Home Improvement: 847-297-0101
27. Y-Tech Heating & Cooling: 847.696.0477
28. You can be here!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Member Update - 11/17/2011

This evening is the Business After Hours at Lisa’s Homemade Italian Ice from 5 to 7 –come out to network and enjoy refreshments! Then head over to the Senior Center at 7 p.m. for a talk on ‘Diabetes, Dilemma, and Discussion’ to hear Jerry and Estella Hayes from the At Home Biggest Loser winners to discuss their weight loss experiences. Susan Frangos is a certified health coach and holistic health practioner: Diabetes and Diet. Refreshments.

Tomorrow morning, we’ll welcome Dunkin’ Donuts at Greenwood & Touhy with a ribbon cutting. Join Chamber board members, Ambassadors, the Mayor, and other City officials as we celebrate this new Chamber member! 8:30 a.m.

Then we’ll head over to the train station where we’ll have another ribbon cutting for the Gourmet Gift Shop which is what 3 of our Chamber members (Lisa’s Homemade Italian Ice, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, and TeaLula) are calling their business venture there!

Did you know…? Did you know:

… Beth Parsch, The Murphy Group, is retiring after 33 years in the business! Give her a hug tomorrow at Gibson’s!

…Liberty Bank and Advocate Lutheran General Hospital are sponsoring “It’s a Wonderful Life” at the Pickwick to benefit the Park Ridge Community Fund on Sunday, Dec. 4, at 1 p.m. with doors opening at noon. Free but donations are appreciated. Raffle tickets for iPad and Kindle are being sold now: 3 for $25 or $10 each.

…Make Your Hair and Mani & Pedi appointment with Stylist Linda Russo in Park Ridge. So you look your best visiting with your loved ones for Thanksgiving! Contact Linda Russo at 847-493-9012

… Lisa Shewfelt from Coldwell Banker won the teeth whitening treatment at the Uptown Dentistry Grand Opening last week!

… You can focus on healthier habits with a partner or a group of 4 friends! Lisa Gordon offers a variety of packages with both of these options as well. Please visit my website: for more information.

… that you can affordably get ‘on the Cloud’? Call Ben Wilson at 312-498-0333 and ask about Office 365!

… that the PR Hysterical Society is having a Cookie Swap on Dec 6th. Bring 3 dozen of your favorite cookies and prepare for a laughing swap, where you will take away 3 dozen of mixed variety and some great laughs!
QUESTIONS? (847) 401-5787

… All On The Road Catering and Bakery is taking pie, rolls and side orders for pick up on Wednesday…our complete turkey package is pick up hot on Thanksgiving day..the menu is posted on our web page

… Des Plaines Elks Lodge 1526 during November and December of this year:
Las Vegas Style Comedian Vito Zatto on Sat. 11/26 from 8PM to Midnight Gourmet Appetizers served at 7PM Cash Bar $20.00 per person.
… November 17, Thursday, 7:00pm-9:00pm, Republican Women of Park Ridge General Meeting at South Park Recreation Center, Talcott & Cumberland, Park Ridge. Brian Claus, Arbitrator, Mediator, Author and Expert on Veterans' Affairs. Topic: Coming Home: Re-Integration of Our Returning Service Members. Free to all. Members and guests, Women and Men welcome.

… Regus has furnished Office space starting at $499/per month. Receptionist, Meeting Rooms, Cafe and Lounge Area to compliment your space. Just need something part time? Come check us out for a part time office or just use our meeting rooms. Call Gina 847-656-5205

… “Room at the Inn”, an amazing display of nearly 400 nativities from around the world, will take place on Saturday, December 3rd and Sunday, December 4th, from 10AM to 4PM, at St. Matthew Center for Health, located at 1601 N. Western Avenue, in Park Ridge. Guests are invited for refreshments and a free raffle to win a nativity scene. This inspiring holiday event is free and wonderful for the whole family. For more information, call 847/825-5531 or visit

… Tasty Pup offers a free Gyros sandwich with the purchase of a Gyros, fry & Large drink every Friday during the winter.

All on the Road Catering for Thanksgiving … Stressing out about the Holidays coming? Looking for someone to take care of all of your catering and bakery needs this season? Look no further, All On The Road Catering and Bakery, located across from the Park Ridge train station, has been specializing in Holiday functions for 15 years.

With a diverse catering menu, you are sure to find all you are looking for, and if not, All on the Road is always eager to help you create the perfect Holiday menu. Along with our full catering menu, we also have a variety of treats and sweets for your next Holiday function.

With our Holiday cookie packages and dessert menu, you are sure to find all your sweet tooth cravings this season. To view our full catering and Holiday dessert menu please visit our webpage, and be sure to follow us on Facebook for our most up-to-date happenings . All On The Road Catering and Bakery, 114 Main St.

CorePower Yoga CorePower Yoga, 991 W. Touhy Ave. - 847.496.4359
Thursday, November 24th
8:15, 9:30, and Noon
8:15am YogaPilates
9:30 HPF
Donations only class
Minimum suggested donation $15.00
Proceeds to benefit Park Ridge Community Fund
Noon Sculpt
Come get your yoga on before your Thanksgiving festivities
Cleanse your body, cleanse your mind, kick start your metabolism!
All levels welcome
Charter Fitness Grand Opening this Saturday Charter Fitness Grand Opening Open House this Sat, Nov 19, 2011. Free Personal Training Demonstration and Give-Aways.
Chicago, IL - Charter Fitness is hosting a Grand Opening Open House at all of its recently converted locations on Sat, Nov 19, 2011 from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. The open house is free and open to members and non-members. The event includes a free Personal Training Studio with TRX Demonstrations, Kettlebell Demonstrations, and Resistance Band Training, free give-aways (including Cliff Bars and Honey Milk), local vendors and a special Friends and Family Membership Sale. “We want to invite everyone in to see what Charter Fitness is all about. 􀀁Our open house is for everyone in the community.􀀁 Even other local businesses will be on hand,” said
Dan Collins, Director of Sales.
Visit for a complete list of locations.
Chicagoland-based Charter Fitness Franchising LLC was recently approved
Brickton Art Center Brickton Art Center
Join us for the 7th ANNUAL BENEFIT ART EXHIBITION AND AUCTION at Brickton Art Center, 306 Busse Hwy, from Nov. 18th – Dec. 10th, 2011.

Featuring works donated by professional artists for a silent auction and art exhibition. Bidding begins Friday, Nov. 18th at 7pm through Saturday, Dec. 10th at 9pm.

This year Brickton Art Center has invited students from school district 207 to participate by submitting new creations on 5” X 5” canvas. Each will be sold for a flat fee and proceeds from sales of student work go toward a scholarship fund, which will be awarded to a participating student.

Preview Party, Friday, Nov. 18th 7-9pm, free and open to the public. Meet the artists, enjoy refreshments and get the first opportunity to view, bid on and buy this year’s artwork!

Closing Night Gala, Saturday, Dec. 10th, 7-9:30pm, free and open to the public. Enjoy an evening of champagne and hors d’oeurvres while you enter the winning bid on your favorite work of art!

Bidding will close one wall at a time starting at 9pm.

Check for online bidding instructions after 11/16/2011. For more information call: 847-823-6611.

Sun and Moon Yoga
Sun and Moon Yoga Thanksgiving Week Yoga Camp

Monday, 11.21.11
Ages 9+
Wednesday, 11.23.11
Ages 5-11
1:15pm arrival-3:30pm
2026 Oakton St., Park Ridge

Utilizing a play-based approach to yoga we will explore basic poses & breath through games, discussions, crafts, healthy snacks and journaling.
$25 session ($5 discount for sibling) or Both sessions $45

Camp led by Caryn Gallagher, a Certified Yoga Ed. Instructor with over 20 years experience as student and teacher.

For more information or to register, please contact Caryn via email, or cell phone 312.505.YOGA (9642)

Charter Fitness Food Drive The Charter Fitness 5th Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive is Going on Now

Now through November 24, 2011, Charter Fitness members and residents in their surrounding communities are encouraged to donate non-perishable food items to support the Charter Fitness 5th Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. Items may be dropped off at any participating Charter Fitness location and will benefit people in need in each of the communities served by the clubs. The food will be distributed through local charities such as The Chicago Food Depository, The Hobart Food Panty, St. James, The Salvation Army, St. Mary Church Food Pantry and Operation Blessing of Crestwood.

Chicagoland-based Charter Fitness Franchising LLC was recently approved to franchise its Charter Fitness Health Club brand nationally. The Company recently converted 38 Cardinal Fitness locations in Chicago, downstate Illinois and Northwest Indiana to the Charter Fitness brand, increasing the number of clubs to 45 in six states. It is now the largest health club business in the Chicago, IL metropolitan area, and expects to hire 200 employees over the next 12 months .

Real Results, Inc. Bored of the same old bland “healthy foods”? In need of healthy and delicious recipe ideas? “Cooking with Qunoot” from Real Results Inc. has gone viral!
We will be sharing a variety of healthy and delicious recipes from grilling to baking, as well as, cooking techniques! ‘Like’ our featured video here ‘Share’ it on your Facebook page, and ‘Subscribe’ to our YouTube Channel and receive a $25 Credit at Real Results Inc.
For more healthy recipes or to share your own healthy recipes visit and Contact us at or (847) 845-7866

Congresswoman Schakowsky's Small Business Event Congresswoman Schakowsky will be hosting a district wide Small Business Event on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. in Niles, IL. Listed below is additional information about the event, I also attached a flyer that you can share with your members.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

8:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Niles Senior Center
999 Civic Center Drive
Niles, IL 60714

At this event, representatives from federal and state agencies will present information on programs to help small businesses succeed in today’s economy. Presentation topics include financing for your business, marketing your business to the federal government, funding for companies engaged in research and development, and small business assistance programs for Illinois companies. The conference will also inform business owners on how to do business with overseas markets, how to transport products, what fees are associated with exports and what laws apply to them. Additionally, you will learn about programs in the state of Illinois that can help your business access capital today. After the presentations, business owners will be able to ask questions and get answers to their business concerns.

Hear from representatives at the following departments and agencies:

• U.S. Small Business Administration
• U.S. Department of Commerce
• U.S. General Services Administration
• U.S. Department of Defense
• U.S. Department of Energy
• National Science Foundation
• Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. To R.S.V.P, please call Dave Davis at (847) 328-3409 or send an email to

Around the World Cigars & Gifts AROUND THE WORLD CIGARS AND GIFTS, 31 1/2 S.PROSPECT AVE,
PARK RIDGE,IL 60068, (847)292 1219








Park Ridge Cultural Arts Council Winterfest Gift Gallery 2011 will offer scrumptious one-of-a-kind gifts for the discerning shopper at its two-day Gift Gallery at 29 S. Prospect Avenue (the old Raffia store). The sponsor, the Park Ridge Cultural Arts Council, will staff the Gallery of Gifts from 10:00AM to 8:00PM on November 25th and 26th in the heart of Park Ridge.

Park Ridge Artists have generously donated their time and talents to hand-paint coffee table boxes to be sold as treasure caches or trinket holders, change caddies or jewel sachets. These same artists will have their own paintings on display to sell; “Across the Street” will offer decorated fresh holiday wreaths, silk holiday arrangements and yummy condiments, A Sterling Design will have its 2012 Historical Park Ridge CD-sized desk calendar and stationery, and the Green Room jewelry will tantalize you with sparkle and bling. Fresh Poinsettias can be whisked home to announce the coming season of merriment and love.

Sun and Moon Yoga Sun and Moon Yoga
Thanksgiving Week Yoga Kids Camp ~~

Monday, 11/21 for ages 9+
1:15 pm [arrival] to 3:30 pm

Wednesday, 11/23 for ages 5 to 11
1:15 pm [arrival] to 3:30 pm
COST: $25 for a single session [$5 off for siblings]
$45 for both sessions
Utilizing a play-based approach to yoga, we will explore basic poses & breath through games, discussion, crafts, healthy snacks & journaling.
Led by Caryn Gallagher, a Certified Yoga Ed. Instructor, with over 20 years experience as a student & teacher
For more information or to register, contact Caryn by:
(1) Email:

Morningfields For the next two weeks… we are offering the following “Thanksgiving” Buffet Menus for corporate and special events only!
Delivery and set- up available…Please order now to reserve the date.

Buffet # 1 (includes)
Herb Roasted Turkey
Traditional Sage Stuffing
Freshly Baked Rolls/Butter
*see buffet # 2 for additional options
$9.99 per person
(minimum order – 10 people)

Buffet # 2 (includes)
Herb Roasted Turkey
Traditional Sage Stuffing
Butternut Squash Soup
Sweet Potatoes
Freshly Baked Rolls/Butter
Pumpkin and Apple Pie

Choose two of the following:
French Green Beans
Ginger and Honey Glazed Carrots
Cranberry Chutney

Choose one of the following:
Oven Roasted Red Potatoes
Au Gratin Potatoes
Garlic Mashed Potatoes

$19.99 per person
(minimum order – 15 people)

Please view our entire Holiday Menu on directly on our website

Melissa Rufo
Catering Manager
800 W. Devon
Park Ridge, IL. 60068
847-696-4200 x4

Empty Bowls at Oakton Someone’s Bowl Is Always Empty: Empty Bowls Fundraiser Coming to Oakton

Hunger issues locally and around the world are the focus of Empty Bowls at Oakton, Saturday, December 3. Professional and student potters from the Chicago area have contributed hundreds of unique bowls for this annual fundraiser.

Sponsored by the Ceramics Club at Oakton, Empty Bowls is a nonprofit, global movement that has raised millions of dollars for food banks, soup kitchens, and other meal programs.

For a donation of $12, participants select a distinctive handcrafted bowl that is theirs to keep, and receive a simple meal of soup and bread as a reminder that “someone’s bowl is always empty.” The event includes a raffle drawing for ceramic art works and a silent auction for select pieces of sculpture and jewelry. All proceeds benefit local food charities. More than 1,200 bowls were sold at last year’s event. Over the last two years, Empty Bowls at Oakton has raised more than $40,000 for local food pantries.

Entertainment will be provided by Patchouli (, an acoustic duo whose songs about harmony and healing inspire the human spirit.

The event will run 10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m., at Oakton’s Des Plaines campus, 1600 East Golf Road.

For more information, contact, or call 847-635-1699.
Petite Opera Show Schedule for Amahl and the Night Visitors FRI Dec 2, 7:30 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest Lutheran Choir of Chicago
SAT Dec 3, 2:00 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest The Great Frankini (musician)
SAT Dec 3, 7:30 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest Musicke's Merrie Companions (recorder quintet)
FRI Dec 9, 7:30 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest Galina Dance Studio performing "The Christmas Tree" ballet
SAT Dec 10 7:30 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest Willows Academy Madrigal Singers
SUN Dec 11, 7:30 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest Musicke's Merrie Companions (recorder quintet)
For tickets: Reserve via phone: Petite Opera 847.553.4442. Reserve via email: Purchase online via credit card (convenience fees apply)

Contact Me: Gail Haller
Executive Director
Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce
720 Garden Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068

phone: 847.825.3121
fax: 847.825.3122

Thank you to our Platinum members
1. All on the Road Catering & Bakery: 847.518.8958
2. AthletiCo Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy: 847-292-4710
3. ATI Physical Therapy: 847.292.0151
4. Blufish Sushi Bistro: 847.720.4479
5. Charter Fitness of Park Ridge: 847.318.7550
6. Comfort Inn O'Hare/Des Plaines: 847.635.1300
7. D'Agostino's Pizza & Pub: 847.518.8700
8. E.J. Coyne & Company Inc: 847.692.9077
9. Express Auto Center: 847.813.9469
10. Home Comfort Heating & Cooling: 847.824.4336
11. Houlihan's Restaurant: 847.692.6205
12. Jason's Deli: 847.823.0210
13. K.G.M. Plumbing, Inc.: 847.583.8988
14. LIN-MAR Motors: 847.965.4200
15. North South Masonry & Tuckpointing: 847.384.0917
16. Pangaea Tiling & Decorative Painting: 847.899.3539
17. Paul Davis Emergency Services: 847.692.5000
18. Periodontics of Niles: 847.685.6686
19. Pickwick Theatre: 847.825.5800
20. Responsive Management Solutions: 847.804.8800
21. Resurrection Health Care: 847.813.3210
22. Ross E. Rubino, D.D.S.P.C. & Associates: 847.825.1002
23. Transition Brokers RE: 312.399.2490
24. Unbound Technology: 847.235.4994
25. Village Bank & Trust: 847-870-6007 New!
26. Why Not Complete Home Improvement: 847-297-0101
27. Y-Tech Heating & Cooling: 847.696.0477
28. You can be here!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Gail's Weekly Chamber UPDATE

Today is the deadline for submitting your nominations for Park Ridge Community Stars Awards.
Park Ridge Community Star Nomination and Cover Letter 2011

Don’t forget, too, that this Thursday is our Business After Hours at Lisa’s Homemade Italian Ice, 10 S. Northwest Hwy, from 5 to 7 p.m. It’s also our Health Care Forum program “Diabetes, Dilemma, and Discussion” at the Senior Center, 100 S. Western.

And on Friday, we have the grand opening ribbon cutting for Dunkin’ Donuts at Touhy & Greenwood at 8:30 a.m.

Another busy week! Next week we’ll be closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving!

And finally, we’re still asking for volunteers to help us serve our Sunday Supper on Sunday, December 18, at St Paul of the Cross. Must be at least 13 for liability resaons.

Have you noticed all the beautiful holiday lights around town? Hundreds of volunteers came together on Saturday to put them up! Mother Nature couldn’t have given us a more perfect day!

Sponsors donating for the lights – Thank you!

Anonymous Donations
Academic Tutoring
Advocate Lutheran General Hospital and Advocate Lutheran General Children's Hospital
All on the Road Catering
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
American Eagle
Barbara Coriden, resident
Boy Scouts of America
Evelyn Boos, resident
Kathy DiValerio, Koenig & Strey
Kiwanis Morning
Kiwanis Noon
Margaret & Benjamin Montalbano, residents
Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce
Park Ridge Indian Scouts
Park Ridge Rotary
Precious Paws of Park Ridge
Resurrection Health Care
Susan Calomino, Lincoln Financial
Taste of Park Ridge
Tom Dombro, ING Advisors
Vine Ave. Building Account/Carl Decaninni

Those who donated to feed the volunteers – Thank you!
Affresco Restaurant
All on the Road Catering
D'Agostino's Pizza & Pub
Domino's Pizza
Einstein Bros Bagels
Hay Caramba
Jasons Deli
Lisa's Homemade Italian Ice
Noodles & Co.
Paninos Pizzeria
Perry’s Pizzeria & Ribs
Rocky Mtn Chocolate Factory
Tasty Pup

The Holiday Lights planning committee – thank you!
Jim Butler, Boy Scouts
Jackie Mathews, Park Ridge Chamber President
Mike McGrath, Kiwanis/City
Theresa Olson, Park Ridge Chamber President-Elect
Dean Patras, Taste of Park Ridge
Scott Richter, Indian Scouts Federation
Mel Thillens, Indian Scouts
Bonnie Trenkle, Kiwanis
Tony Tripp, Kiwanis/Photographer
John Warnimont, Rotary/Electrician
Gail Haller, PR Chamber ED

Last Wednesday was the Chamber’s monthly networking luncheon with more than 30 people in attendance to hear George Bellas discuss the Five Key Legal Survival Tips for Your Business in this Economy.

Thank you to the Chicago Marriott O’Hare, 8535 W. Higgins Road, for hosting us with a fabulous room and delicious lunch!

Our winners for the raffle prizes:
1. One weekend night stay at the Marriott O’Hare - Jim Norman, Rapid Data Response

2. $25 Chamber Gift Certificate - Susan Scatchell, A-Abiding Care

3. One month Greeter Box participation - Steven Powell, BMO Harris Bank

4. Rocky Mt Chocolate Factory package - Craig Kowitt, BMO Harris Bank

5. Like New Auto Spa - 2 winners - Steven Powell, BMO Harris Bank & Michelle DeLaRosa, MBD Martial Arts, Inc.

6. Tech Stuff PC & Video gift certificate for 1 hour of service - Ken Mylander, BMO Harris Bank
Last Thursday was the Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting for Uptown Dentistry at 80 N. Northwest Hwy.
Chamber Board, Ambassadors, Mayor Schmidt and City Officials came out to enjoy Noodles & Co. catered dishes and wonderful Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory chocolate-covered apples for dessert!

Lisa Shewfelt, Coldwell Banker realtor, won the in-office whitening treatment by dropping her business card in the fishbowl!

For the First Fridays Park Ridge in December, the theme is “Once Upon Park Ridge” and we’re looking for great storytellers! Email me and let me know if you’d like to be assigned to a store and your hours. Wear your own costumes but we’re thinking along the lines of ‘A Christmas Carol’ but we’re open.

No one will be turned away – so just let me know!

November 16, Wednesday 8:00am-9:30am Chamber Retail Committee Meeting,
November 17, Thursday 5:00pm-7:00pm Business After Hours Lisa's Homemade Italian Ice, 10 S. NW Highway
November 17, Thursday, 6:00pm – 8:00pm Health Care Forum! "Diabetes, Dilemma, and Discussion" 100 S. Western Avenue, Park Ridge Senior Center
November 18, Friday, 8:30am -9:30am Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting for Dunkin Donuts, 1129 Touhy Ave. with Chamber Board, Ambassadors, Mayor Schmidt and City Officials!
November 18, Friday, 9:00am – 10:00am PREN 3: Park Ridge Executive Network
November 18, Friday, 11:30am – 1:30am, Women in Business Holiday Luncheon
November, 21, Monday, 8:30am – 9:30am, Newsletter Meeting
November 22, Tuesday, 9:00am – 10:00am PREN 2: Park Ridge Executive Network
November 23, Wednesday, 9:00am -10:30am Health Care Forum, 720 Garden St.
November 25, Friday, 6:00pm-9:00pm Winterfest! Uptown and South Park. Ride the trolleys. See Santa arrive on the firetruck in front of the library. Reindeer in South Park. Carolers. Maine South High School Marching Band. Best Decorated house contest along the trolley route of Prospect and Courtland. Luminaries.
November 29, Tuesday, 9:00am – 10:00am New Member Orientation hosted by The Ambassadors – join us for this informative session to learn all about the Chamber.


• December 4, Sunday, 1:00pm, “It’s a Wonderful Life” sponsored by Liberty Bank; at Pickwick Theater to benefit the Park Ridge Community Fund. No charge but donations greatly appreciated. iPad donated by Liberty Bank to be raffled off as a grand prize of many raffle items. Thank you to Liberty Bank and Advocate Lutheran General Hospital for sponsoring the movie.
• December 18, Sunday Supper at St Paul of the Cross sponsored by Chamber – thank you to Bredeman Toyota & Chevy for sponsorship donation!

Gail Haller
Executive Director
Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce
720 Garden Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068

phone: 847.825.3121
fax: 847.825.3122

Thank you to our Platinum members:
1. All on the Road Catering & Bakery: 847.518.8958
2. AthletiCo Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy: 847-292-4710
3. ATI Physical Therapy: 847.292.0151
4. Blufish Sushi Bistro: 847.720.4479
5. Charter Fitness of Park Ridge: 847.318.7550
6. Comfort Inn O'Hare/Des Plaines: 847.635.1300
7. D'Agostino's Pizza & Pub: 847.518.8700
8. E.J. Coyne & Company Inc: 847.692.9077
9. Express Auto Center: 847.813.9469
10. Home Comfort Heating & Cooling: 847.824.4336
11. Houlihan's Restaurant: 847.692.6205
12. Jason's Deli: 847.823.0210
13. K.G.M. Plumbing, Inc.: 847.583.8988
14. LIN-MAR Motors: 847.965.4200
15. North South Masonry & Tuckpointing: 847.384.0917
16. Pangaea Tiling & Decorative Painting: 847.899.3539 New!
17. Paul Davis Emergency Services: 847.692.5000
18. Periodontics of Niles: 847.685.6686
19. Pickwick Theatre: 847.825.5800
20. Responsive Management Solutions: 847.804.8800
21. Resurrection Health Care: 847.813.3210
22. Ross E. Rubino, D.D.S.P.C. & Associates: 847.825.1002
23. Transition Brokers RE: 312.399.2490
24. Unbound Technology: 847.235.4994
25. Why Not Complete Home Improvement: 847-297-0101
26. Y-Tech Heating & Cooling: 847.696.0477
27. You can be here!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Member News

A Note From Gail

Uptown Dentistry’s Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting is today from 5 to 7 p.m. Located at 80 N. Northwest Hwy next to Eggsperience. You can park in the underground parking garage if you enter from Summit. The mayor will be there around 6 p.m. to cut the ribbon. Everyone is invited! An in-office whitening treatment will be raffled off!

Tomorrow is Veterans Day and the Chamber offices will be closed. Thank you to the following veterans for their prior military service:

• Stan Banash, Norwood Crossing, United States Air Force, Strategic Air cmmand, four years active, two years inactive
• Dick Barton is a vet of the Naval Air Reserve from 1968-70
• Dave Donovan, E. J. Coyne & Company, Inc, Military Veteran 1st Lt. US Army QM 1965-71
• Curt Edlund, US Navy
• Perry Fisher, Christian Science Reading Room, Military Veteran

I also served in the US Air Force for 5 ½ years active service then 3 years in the reserves – got out as a Captain. Spent my time as a Contracting Officer in the Strategic Air Command (like Stan Banash) and on the Space Shuttle Program in the Western Space and Missile Command.

Holiday Lights Go Up Saturday! Lights Up Day is Saturday!

If you’d like to help string lights, join us at 8 a.m. this Saturday, Nov. 12, at 116Main Street (the old Dominic’s Kitchen Store). We’re expecting hundreds of volunteers.

Thank you to the following who have offered to donate lunch for the volunteers: Affresco Restaurant, All on the Road Catering, D’Agostino’s Pizza & Pub, Domino’s Pizza, Dunkin Donuts, Einstein Bros Bagels, Jasons Deli, Lisa’s Homemade Italian Ice, Noodles & Co, Panino’s Pizzeria, Perry’s Pizzeria, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Tasty Pup, Trader Joe’s.

Thank you to the sponsors for Holiday Lights:

Anonymous Donations
Academic Tutoring
Advocate Lutheran General Hospital and ALG Children's Hospital
All on the Road Catering
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
American Eagle
Barbara Coriden, resident
Boy Scouts of America
Evelyn Boos, resident
Kathy DiValerio, Koenig & Strey
Kiwanis Morning
Kiwanis Noon
Margaret & Benjamin Montalbano, residents
Park Ridge Chamber
Park Ridge Indian Scouts
Park Ridge Rotary
Precious Paws of Park Ridge
Resurrection Health Care
Susan Calomino, Lincoln Financial
Taste of Park Ridge
Tom Dombro, ING Advisors
Vine Ave. Building Account/Carl Decaninni

Did you know…? Did you know:

… Like New Auto Spa is offering a free car wash to all veterans tomorrow!

… Camp Willow. This Saturday, Nov. 12 , Camp Willow presents an Andria Lieu Trunk Show. Andria Lieu is a Chicago designer whose collection offers women a flattering fit and an overall clean, polished finish. The line includes jackets, pants, skirts and tops that are made in the USA, maintenance-free, travel-friendly, and sized petite thru 3x. Customers will be able to buy off the rack or choose a fabric and style for a custom design.

… ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ sponsored by Liberty Bank and Advocate Lutheran General Hospital and ALG Childrens Hospital will show for free at the Pickwick on Sunday December 4 to benefit the Park Ridge Community Fund. Doors open at noon, show starts at 1. Live entertainment. iPad donated by Liberty Bank and Kindle donated by Nick Boudreau will be raffled off. Tickets $10 each or 3 for $25. 847-825-4311 PRCF

… Diddy Blyth has just published the 2012 Historical Calendar in a CD jewel case that sits on a desktop. She used her own images of Park Ridge and compiled an interesting array of historical facts of Park Ridge that sits on top of a continental divide. Many more interesting facts are stated on the back of each monthly page. Only $15.00 each. Call 847-698-6383; write to get you calendar for teacher gifts, grab bag item or family stocking stuffers!

… Kymberlee Raya, Big Shot Marketing, is the producer for the Emerson Vshow (shows Dec 9-3:45 and 7 pm) and is looking for businesses interested in marketing their businesses in front of 300+ parents. 773-220-7723

… Rick Pucci, Park Ridge Financial Advisors, is teaching at Oakton Community College's 'Alliance For Lifelong Learning'. $25 cost which is donated to The Non Profit Alliance for Learning Continuing Education Program. Budgeting in a Tough Economy. This continuing educational program is put on by the Oakton Community College's - Alliance for Lifelong Earning. To register call Oakton College at 847-982-9888 option 3.
… Park Ridge Hysterical Society celebrates a Day of Laughter and Learning this Sat, 11/12, 9 to 4pm, at 350 S. Northwest Hwy (Regus)

… This week is Fans & Family week at Chico's!!! The entire boutique is 20% off (along with your 5% passport discount). Many new items have arrived, including coats, sweaters and holiday gift items. Plus in-store discounts at 30-40-50% -- now through Sunday, November 13th. Time to clean out your closets -- Charity donation party on Friday, November 18th, from noon to 5 PM. Bring two gently worn Chico's items (if possible) and receive 10% off of your purchase. Donation will benefit WINGS on Golf Road.

… “Room at the Inn”, an amazing display of nearly 400 nativities from around the world, will take place on Saturday, December 3rd and Sunday, December 4th, from 10AM to 4PM, at St. Matthew Center for Health, located at 1601 N. Western Avenue, in Park Ridge. Guests are invited for refreshments and a free raffle to win a nativity scene. This inspiring holiday event is free and wonderful for the whole family. For more information, call 847/825-5531 or visit

… Tasty Pup offers a free Gyros sandwich with the purchase of a Gyros, fry & Large drink every Friday during the winter.

… Friday, November 11 only! Get $10.00 off on your Haircolor with a Haircut (* Must Get Both*). Appointment must be made with Linda Russo (only) Hairstylist in Park Ridge. Call Linda Russo at Caruden Hair Design 847-823-1610 to make your appointment. Mention this posting!

Beyond Compare Virtual Assistants Beyond Compare Virtual Assistants
Phone: 847-298-4069
Beyond Compare Virtual Assistants provides off-site administrative assistance.
We offer services such as: handling correspondence, e-mail and contact management, spreadsheet development and maintenance, PowerPoint presentations, Internet research, and more. We can also add services to accommodate your specific needs.
Choosing a virtual assistant for your business is cost effective because you only pay for the hours actually worked and you do not have to make a long-term commitment.
Please contact us for more information or to answer any questions you may have.

WineStyles Shop local at Park Ridge WineStyles, let us pair wines for your Thanksgiving dinner.

Great selections of red and whites between $10 and $25.

Wine Tasting Friday, November 11th 5 to 7, free for wine club and only $5 for non members

Free wine tasting Saturday, November 12th – wines for a cause One Hope Wines 3 to 5

Amphora Amphora: Custom Upholstery by Christmas!

*Any custom upholstery order from Rowe placed by Sunday, November 13th will be delivered to your home by Christmas.
So if you are looking for a fresh look for the holidays with a sofa, sectional, chair or sleeper sofa, come in and pick out your frame and fabric by Sunday the 13th and we will have it delivered to you in time for your family and guests to enjoy!
Treat yourself this year to a gift that will be enjoyed for years to come.....and with our great prices, you still have money left over to do the rest of your shopping!

*limited to fabric in stock

Periodontics of Niles Get Ready for the Holidays Special from Periodontics of Niles":
"Because the Holidays are getting closer, you can now be ready to be closer with everyone else with our Get Ready for the Holidays Special! You will discover the secret to having a brighter smile and fresher breath!"
With our special, you will receive the following: Comprehensive Exam, X-Rays, Personal Consultation, Preventative Professional Cleaning*, Teeth Whitening Kit, and Fresh Breath System... all for only $198.00. Call us now at (847) 685-6686 to RSVP because this special expires 12-21-11!
*In absence of periodontal disease. Reg. fee $455.

15% of courtesy for senior citizens

Periodontics of Niles gives special Courtesy discounts to the Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce:
1. Chamber of Commerce Employees and Board Members: 20% Courtesy
2. Chamber of Commerce Members: 15% Courtesy Want to bring more families into your doors this winter? What better way than advertising in a guide that will be promoted online, through email, and on the TV news!

Kidwinks will be appearing on ABC-TV (Nov. 21st) and WGN-TV (Nov. 22nd) to highlight our Winter Fun Guide. In December, we will be highlighting our New Year's Eve for Kids Guide on WGN-TV, and possibly another tv station. We would like to give you the opportunity to get into these HOT guides by offering them at a discount for a limited time. Contact us soon so that you can be sure to catch these savings AND be included in the guide before our TV appearances.
20% OFF until November 14th, 2011:
Winter Fun Guide - All winter long parents are looking for things to do and places to take their kids. Too much time indoors at home and everyone gets a bit .... cranky. So moms rely on our Winter Fun Guide as the cure for cabin fever. TV dates - Nov. 21 & 22. Cost of ad in our Winter Fun Guide: $400 until 11/14/2011; - afterwards $500.

Park Ridge Cultural Arts Council Winterfest Gift Gallery 2011 will offer scrumptious one-of-a-kind gifts for the discerning shopper at its two-day Gift Gallery at 29 S. Prospect Avenue (the old Raffia store). The sponsor, the Park Ridge Cultural Arts Council, will staff the Gallery of Gifts from 10:00AM to 8:00PM on November 25th and 26th in the heart of Park Ridge.

Park Ridge Artists have generously donated their time and talents to hand-paint coffee table boxes to be sold as treasure caches or trinket holders, change caddies or jewel sachets. These same artists will have their own paintings on display to sell; “Across the Street” will offer decorated fresh holiday wreaths, silk holiday arrangements and yummy condiments, A Sterling Design will have its 2012 Historical Park Ridge CD-sized desk calendar and stationery, and the Green Room jewelry will tantalize you with sparkle and bling. Fresh Poinsettias can be whisked home to announce the coming season of merriment and love.

WSI – We Simplify the Internet WSI - Leveraging QR Codes to Drive Traffic to your Website
How your business can incorporate QR codes

QR (Quick Response) codes are those barcode-like images that can be scanned by smart-phones, which store more information as compared to conventional barcodes. They can be linked to URLs directly. For example, if you scan the QR code given on the right, it'll take you to
This bar-coding technology is able to easily incorporate social media capabilities, custom landing pages and store text based information such as mailing addresses. These codes can be easily scanned by almost all iPhones, Androids or other camera enabled smart-phones which integrate barcode scanning applications. This will allow you to entice audiences with dynamic engagement strategies.
How your business can incorporate QR codes to build website traffic:
• Print medium. QR Codes can be printed in newspapers/magazines, posters, CD labels etc, where the person scanning the code can reach the mobile website of the advertiser.
• Websites. These codes can be scanned from the primary website and in turn lead to the mobile website.
• Business Cards. Your potential clients and business associates can scan the QR code on your business card and easily add you to their phone contacts.
• Product Packaging. Incorporating QR codes on the packaging of your products can help provide vital information such as customer care contact details, user manuals and other vital information.
• Direct Marketing and In-Shop Print Advertising. When used in your print advertisements, mass mails or email signatures, QR Codes can help drive traffic and a consequent fan following to your social networking profiles on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
• Effective Event Management. You can print QR codes on tickets or invites of your event and link them to Google maps, RSVP pages and all other event related material.
Mobile marketing is inexpensive, immediate and personal. It's a viable new way to create customer loyalty, increase awareness and boost sales. WSI can assist your business to optimize your marketing strategy leveraging this exciting new trend.
Contact your local WSI Consultant to catch the mobile marketing wave and propel your business to a new level!.

Sun and Moon Yoga Sun and Moon Yoga
Thanksgiving Week Yoga Kids Camp ~~

Monday, 11/21 for ages 9+
1:15 pm [arrival] to 3:30 pm

Wednesday, 11/23 for ages 5 to 11
1:15 pm [arrival] to 3:30 pm
COST: $25 for a single session [$5 off for siblings]
$45 for both sessions
Utilizing a play-based approach to yoga, we will explore basic poses & breath through games, discussion, crafts, healthy snacks & journaling.
Led by Caryn Gallagher, a Certified Yoga Ed. Instructor, with over 20 years experience as a student & teacher
For more information or to register, contact Caryn by:
(1) Email:

Petite Opera Show Schedule for Amahl and the Night Visitors FRI Dec 2, 7:30 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest Lutheran Choir of Chicago
SAT Dec 3, 2:00 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest The Great Frankini (musician)
SAT Dec 3, 7:30 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest Musicke's Merrie Companions (recorder quintet)
FRI Dec 9, 7:30 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest Galina Dance Studio performing "The Christmas Tree" ballet
SAT Dec 10 7:30 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest Willows Academy Madrigal Singers
SUN Dec 11, 7:30 PM - Petite Opera. "Amahl and the Night Visitors", with special guest Musicke's Merrie Companions (recorder quintet)
For tickets: Reserve via phone: Petite Opera 847.553.4442. Reserve via email: Purchase online via credit card (convenience fees apply)

From the City Park Ridge Streetscape Comminity Workshop

The City of Park Ridge has been engaged in a process to plan and design the remaining Uptown streetscapes, including Northwest Highway, Prospect, Summit, Touhy and Washington Avenues. As part of this process, the City has commissioned a team of consultants including Spaceco(civil engineering),The Lakota Group(urban design and landscape architecture) and Christopher B. Burke Engineering (lighting design and engineering),to assist in designing, budgeting and engineering these improvements.

To date, the consultant team has been gathering data, conducting inventories of physical conditions throughout Uptown and developing preliminary streetscape concepts and ideas.

The next steps in the planning and design process are two Community Workshops on November 28 at 5:30pm and December 8 at 8:00am, to be held in Council Chambers, City Hall, 505 Butler Place. The consulting team will review area issues and opportunities, as well as present concepts and ideas for future streetscape improvements.

All community residents, leaders and business/property owners are invited and encouraged to participate. Information gathered from the workshops will be considered for incorporation into conceptual streetscape designs.

Please join your neighbors, bring your ideas and help us look to the future of Uptown Park Ridge.

For more information contact: Juliana Maller, Deputy City Manager, 847/318-5206 or Sarah Mitchell, City Engineer, 847/318-5455.

Center of Concern Center of Concern Holiday Boutique
A holiday boutique will be held Saturday, Nov. 12th from 10:00 am to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 13th from 12:00 pm to 5:00 p.m. at St. Andrews Lutheran Church, 260 N. Northwest Highway in Park Ridge. Items include hand-crafted jewelry, doll clothes, sweaters, candles, chocolates, gift baskets, etc. In addition, Avon and Simply Delicious representatives will also be featured. A portion of the proceeds will benefit The Center of Concern, a nonprofit social service agency providing housing solutions, counseling and support services for seniors, disabled, and others in need.
For information contact Christine, (847) 823-8755 or Jenine (847) 823-0920 (eves)

Charter Fitness Charter Fitness, Now Offering Franchises

Charter Fitness prides itself on being different from the typical expensive and intimidating gym: we offer affordable membership options, total convenience, and a comfortable workout environment. Charter Fitness brings healthy lifestyles to communities with memberships available for as low as $10 a month, its mission is to make fitness affordable to everyone.

With Charter Fitness Franchise program, you can be your own boss while operating a fitness concept that is breaking new ground in the industry, while having a positive effect on your local community. The Charter Fitness organization is poised for growth in the fitness franchise industry and looking to for people who are motivated, involved, and committed. Find out how you can join the Charter Fitness franchise program – Call 708-403-3881 or email


Veterans, residents, friends, and families are invited to gather for a special Veterans Day Commemorative Program, on Thurs., Nov. 10, at 10:00 a.m., at Norwood Crossing, 6016-20 N. Nina Ave. in Chicago, a not-for-profit long-term care community since 1896. Parking is available on the street or in the parking lot behind the building (entrance off Avondale Avenue).
The program “for veterans, about veterans, and by veterans” will include posting of the Colors by Taft High School Navy Junior ROTC; pledge of allegiance led by Norwood Crossing resident Mary Cormack, former First Vice President of VFW Post 1284 Ladies Auxiliary; invocation by Chaplain Lt. Col. Paul Pfeffer (Senior Army Reserve Ret.); individual recognition of veterans present; tribute to TSgt. Vincenti James “Jim” Del Medico, who served as a Flight Engineer on a B-26 bomber with the 34th Bomb Squadron, 5th Air Force, during the Korean War; and retirement of the Colors.
Participating in the special tribute will be: Sgt. Lucille Janssens, a World War II veteran with U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters in Washington, D.C., who served as Past Commander, American Legion Norwood Park Post 740, and Past Commander, Ninth District American Legion; Seaman 1st Class Jack Barry, a Pearl Harbor survivor and World War II veteran who served in Naval Intelligence; and Cpl. Jack Lynch, a Korean War veteran who served with the U.S. Army’s 378th Combat Engineers.
All active and non-active military personnel who are planning to attend the event are asked to provide upon arrival their name, rank, military unit, service branch, armed conflict (if any), where served, and dates of service in order to be properly recognized for their service. Refreshments will be available.

Hobbs Hobby Hut With the Maine South Hawks looking for a 4-peat in defending the 8A title, what better way to show your support of the football team than displaying a Maine South Football Dynasty banner. Excellent detail featuring embroidery and applique, this product would look great hanging in your place of business. And with Christmas around the corner, what a great gift for your child's dorm room or bedroom. Made from top quality wool blend material, the Dynasty banner is intended to honor Maine South Football's series of state championships throughout the years. The banner is 24"W x 36" L and comes with a hanging rod for ease of display. And if the Hawks win another title, it only costs $5.00 to have the additional years embroidered on the banner. Cost $50. To place an order contact us at

Katie and Dan Parker
Hobbs Hobby Hut

Midwest Palliative & Hospice CareCenter Midwest Palliative & Hospice CareCenter
Challenges in the Care of Those with Far Advanced Disease: Issues of Prognosis,
Cultural Diversity and Ethics
Speaker: Martha L. Twaddle, MD, FACP, FAAHPM
Join Dr. Twaddle in a case-based discussion about the many challenges you
face when caring for patients with far-advanced disease.
November 14, 2011 from 9–10 a.m.
Education Center (Glenview)
Upon completion of the educational activity, participants should be able to:
• Understand the common trajectories of end stage diseases
• Understand common symptoms & signs for the patient at the end of life
• Understand and discuss some of the ethical issues that may arise for
families at the end of life
• Recognize cultural diversity and how it impacts care at the end of life.
Core Curriculum for all Interdisciplinary Team Members
Questions? Contact Robin Facer at x1602 or

Contact Me: Gail Haller
Executive Director
Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce
720 Garden Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068

phone: 847.825.3121
fax: 847.825.3122

Thank you to our Platinum members
1. All on the Road Catering & Bakery: 847.518.8958
2. AthletiCo Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy: 847-292-4710
3. ATI Physical Therapy: 847.292.0151
4. Blufish Sushi Bistro: 847.720.4479
5. Charter Fitness of Park Ridge: 847.318.7550
6. Comfort Inn O'Hare/Des Plaines: 847.635.1300
7. D'Agostino's Pizza & Pub: 847.518.8700
8. E.J. Coyne & Company Inc: 847.692.9077
9. Express Auto Center: 847.813.9469
10. Home Comfort Heating & Cooling: 847.824.4336
11. Houlihan's Restaurant: 847.692.6205
12. Jason's Deli: 847.823.0210
13. K.G.M. Plumbing, Inc.: 847.583.8988
14. LIN-MAR Motors: 847.965.4200
15. North South Masonry & Tuckpointing: 847.384.0917
16. Pangaea Tiling & Decorative Painting: 847.899.3539
17. Paul Davis Emergency Services: 847.692.5000
18. Periodontics of Niles: 847.685.6686
19. Pickwick Theatre: 847.825.5800
20. Responsive Management Solutions: 847.804.8800
21. Resurrection Health Care: 847.813.3210
22. Ross E. Rubino, D.D.S.P.C. & Associates: 847.825.1002
23. Transition Brokers RE: 312.399.2490
24. Unbound Technology: 847.235.4994
25. Village Bank & Trust: 847-870-6007 New!
26. Why Not Complete Home Improvement: 847-297-0101
27. Y-Tech Heating & Cooling: 847.696.0477
28. You can be here!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Weekly Chamber Update

From Gail

Wow, we had a great response from members updating their listings on our website! Please check them again:

Also, thanks to everyone who participated in First Fridays last Friday. We donated over 800 pounds to the Maine Township Food Pantry. And a big ‘thank you’ to the Park Ridge Youth Commission (and Jared Skiba from Allegro Music) that assisted in the collection and weighing of the donations!

Luncheon on Wednesday Wednesday, November 9
Chicago Marriott O’Hare
8535 W. Higgins Rd
$25/with rsvp $30/walk-ins & Prospective members

Featuring Park Ridge attorney and Chamber member, George Bellas from Bellas & Wachowski, on:

"Five Key Legal Survival Tips for Your Business in this Economy"

* Despite high commercial space vacancies, is your landlord winning the lease game?
* Despite taxpayer bail-outs, does your bank treat you like a stranger?
* Are you earning money but still feel broke because your payables and receivables are out of control?
* Do you sweat making every payroll?
* Do your business contracts favor the other guy?

RSVP: 847.825.3121

Are you a Military Vet? If you are a U.S. military veteran, please email me and let me know. I know there are more than these:

Dave Donovan
Curt Edlund
Perry Fisher
And me! Did you know I served in the USAF for over 5 years? I worked on the Space Shuttle Program.

We will list your name in the newsletter. And, if you come to the November 9 luncheon at the Marriott O’Hare, we’ll take a picture of all our vets for the newsletter and I’ll post it online.

11/11/11 is Veterans Day and the Chamber office will be closed in observance.
Uptown Dentistry Grand Opening on Thursday November 10, Thursday, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting for Uptown Dentistry. 80 N. Northwest Hwy.
with Chamber Board, Ambassadors, Mayor Schmidt and City Officials!

An in-office whitening treatment will be raffled off!

Are you a good StoryTeller? For the First Fridays Park Ridge in December, the theme is “Once Upon Park Ridge” and we’re looking for great storytellers! Email me and let me know if you’d like to be assigned to a store and your hours. Wear your own costumes but we’re thinking along the lines of ‘A Christmas Carol’ but we’re open.

No one will be turned away – so just let me know!

Mark Your Calendar for these Events!
November 9, Wednesday, 8:30am - 9:30am Retail Committee First Friday Meeting Tea Lula, 11 S. Fairview
November 9, Wednesday, 11:30am to 1:30pm, Monthly Networking Luncheon at Chicago Marriott O'Hare, 8535 W. Higgins Road, Chicago. Speaker: George Bellas, Bellas & Wachowski, Attorneys. Topic: Legal Survival Tips for Small Business Owners in Today’s Economy $25 members and $30 prospective members and walk ins.
November 10, Thursday, 8:45am – 10:15am Tech Forum - Moderated by Ben Wilson, Falkor Group LLC. Take advantage of cloud technology, collaboration and work from virtually anyplace. What tools are available for businesses to leverage the cloud! – to pre-register
November 10, Thursday, 5:00pm-7:00pm Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting for Uptown Dentistry. 80 N. Northwest Hwy. with Chamber Board, Ambassadors, Mayor Schmidt and City Officials! An in-office whitening treatment will be raffled off!
November 11, Friday, 8:45am – 9:45am PREN1: Park Ridge Executive Network
November 16, Wednesday 8:00am-9:30am Chamber Retail Committee Meeting,
November 17, Thursday 5:00pm-7:00pm Business After Hours Lisa's Homemade Italian Ice, 10 S. NW Highway
November 17, Thursday, 6:00pm – 8:00pm Health Care Forum! "Diabetes, Dilemma, and Discussion" 100 S. Western Avenue, Park Ridge Senior Center
November 18, Friday, 8:30am -9:30am Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting for Dunkin Donuts, 1129 Touhy Ave. with Chamber Board, Ambassadors, Mayor Schmidt and City Officials!
November 18, Friday, 9:00am – 10:00am PREN 3: Park Ridge Executive Network
November 18, Friday, 11:30am – 1:30am, Women in Business Holiday Luncheon
November 21, Monday, 8:30am – 9:30am, Newsletter Meeting
November 22, Tuesday, 9:00am – 10:00am PREN 2: Park Ridge Executive Network
November 23, Wednesday, 9:00am -10:30am Health Care Forum, 720 Garden St.
November 25, Friday, 6:00pm-9:00pm Winterfest! Uptown and South Park. Ride the trolleys. See Santa arrive on the firetruck in front of the library. Reindeer in South Park. Carolers. Maine South High School Marching Band. Best Decorated house contest along the trolley route of Prospect and Courtland. Luminaries.
November 29, Tuesday, 9:00am – 10:00am New Member Orientation hosted by The Ambassadors – join us for this informative session to learn all about the Chamber.


• December 4, Sunday, 1:00pm, “It’s a Wonderful Life” sponsored by Liberty Bank; at Pickwick Theater to benefit the Park Ridge Community Fund. No charge but donations greatly appreciated. iPad donated by Liberty Bank to be raffled off as a grand prize of many raffle items. Thank you to Liberty Bank and Advocate Lutheran General Hospital for sponsoring the movie.
• December 18, Sunday Supper at St Paul of the Cross sponsored by Chamber – thank you to Bredeman Toyota & Chevy for sponsorship donation!

Contact me: Gail Haller
Executive Director
Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce
720 Garden Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068

phone: 847.825.3121
fax: 847.825.3122

Thank you to our Platinum members:
1. All on the Road Catering & Bakery: 847.518.8958
2. AthletiCo Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy: 847-292-4710
3. ATI Physical Therapy: 847.292.0151
4. Blufish Sushi Bistro: 847.720.4479
5. Charter Fitness of Park Ridge: 847.318.7550
6. Comfort Inn O'Hare/Des Plaines: 847.635.1300
7. D'Agostino's Pizza & Pub: 847.518.8700
8. E.J. Coyne & Company Inc: 847.692.9077
9. Express Auto Center: 847.813.9469
10. Home Comfort Heating & Cooling: 847.824.4336
11. Houlihan's Restaurant: 847.692.6205
12. Jason's Deli: 847.823.0210
13. K.G.M. Plumbing, Inc.: 847.583.8988
14. LIN-MAR Motors: 847.965.4200
15. North South Masonry & Tuckpointing: 847.384.0917
16. Pangaea Tiling & Decorative Painting: 847.899.3539 New!
17. Paul Davis Emergency Services: 847.692.5000
18. Periodontics of Niles: 847.685.6686
19. Pickwick Theatre: 847.825.5800
20. Responsive Management Solutions: 847.804.8800
21. Resurrection Health Care: 847.813.3210
22. Ross E. Rubino, D.D.S.P.C. & Associates: 847.825.1002
23. Transition Brokers RE: 312.399.2490
24. Unbound Technology: 847.235.4994
25. Why Not Complete Home Improvement: 847-297-0101
26. Y-Tech Heating & Cooling: 847.696.0477
27. You can be here!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Gail's Member News

Tonight is ‘Remember in November’ which is the theme for First Fridays Park Ridge this month. Please support your local merchants by shopping locally. When you bring in nonperishable food items to participating merchants, many will give you a coupon good for Winterfest, the day after Thanksgiving.

Help the merchants raise 1,000 pounds of food for the Food Pantry!

Maine East HS looking for Judges for DECA

Maine East is seeking business professionals to help judge its annual DECA Business Challenge on November 10.

The Business Challenge is a business competition where approximately 250 Maine East students have an opportunity to apply their "college and career ready" skills outside the classroom. Students compete by taking a comprehensive economics test as well as by solving a business case study. Students present their case study findings to a judge who evaluates their presentation and communication skills.

We would be very pleased to have Park Ridge Chamber Members serve as judges. The DECA Business Challenge will be held on Thursday, November 10,
from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the student/faculty cafeteria.
John Schwan, Maine East DECA Advisor, 847-903-7822

Did you know…? Did you know:
… Uptown Dentistry and Noodles worked together for a promotion to buy back candy yesterday?

… Book Sale at the library! SATURDAY NOV.5 9-3PM AND SUNDAY NOV.6 12-2 p.m. ½ PRICE SALE!

… Vine Street Candle Shop, 147 ½ S Vine, offers a 10% discount to all chamber members? Our new hours are: 2pm - 7pm, Monday - Friday and Saturday 11am - 3pm? Stop by and let us light up your life!
… Carlucci will be open for dinner Friday after Thanksgiving and offering a special "Black Friday" menu available that weekend only. It is a great value and of course awesome food.

… WineStyles Park Ridge is looking for part time holiday help in our store for miscellaneous jobs as well as someone to work outside sales. Inquire with Tracy 847.518.9463

… Upcoming Friday night Wine Tasting with “Big Sexy” Kyle Friday November 4th 5 to 8 $5 donation for Parkinson’s research. Pre order gift baskets for the holiday and save 10% off the wine before November 15th!

… “Room at the Inn”, an amazing display of nearly 400 nativities from around the world, will take place on Saturday, December 3rd and Sunday, December 4th, from 10AM to 4PM, at St. Matthew Center for Health, located at 1601 N. Western Avenue, in Park Ridge. Guests are invited for refreshments and a free raffle to win a nativity scene. This inspiring holiday event is free and wonderful for the whole family. For more information, call 847/825-5531 or visit

… NEW YEAR'S EVE SPECIAL OFFER! Save 15% on your New Year's Eve Fireworks Dinner cruise when you book by 11/20! Use promo code NYE15 when booking.

…Cigar Event at Around the World Cigars on Friday, November 4th from 4 to 8 p.m. featuring Alec Bradley cigar company. Mention this deal buy 3 get 1 free and buy a box and get 8 cigar free.

… Tasty Pup offers a free Gyros sandwich with the purchase of a Gyros, fry & Large drink every Friday during the winter.

… … Holiday Open House at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory on November 4 and 5. Preview holiday gifts, enjoy refreshments, and get discounts on your holiday pre-orders. Forget the stress of last minute gifting - order early and save!

… June Moon will be at 422 N. Merrill in Park Ridge on Saturday November 5th from 9AM to 4PM. Check the June Moon Home Page Upcoming for details or call us at 847-698-2559.

… Friday, November 11 only! Get $10.00 off on your Haircolor with a Haircut (* Must Get Both*). Appointment must be made with Linda Russo (only) Hairstylist in Park Ridge. Call Linda Russo at Caruden Hair Design 847-823-1610 to make your appointment. Mention this posting!

Lynnette’s School of Dance NEW!!!
Hip Hop I (ages 8-12)
Tuesdays 4:15-5:15
Begins November 1st.
Sign up today for the 10 week session!
Lynnette's School of Dance
517 W. Talcott
Park Ridge, Il 60068

Real Results Bored of the same old bland “healthy foods”? In need of healthy and delicious recipe ideas? “Cooking with Qunoot” from Real Results Inc. has gone viral! We will be sharing a variety of healthy and delicious recipes from grilling to baking, as well as, cooking techniques! ‘Like’ our featured video “Cooking With Qunoot-Black Eyed Peas” on YouTube, ‘Share’ it on your Facebook page, and ‘Subscribe’ to our YouTube Channel and receive a $25 Credit at Real Results Inc. For more healthy recipes or to share your own healthy recipes visit and Contact us at or (847) 845-7866

Center of Concern Center of Concern Holiday Boutique
A holiday boutique will be held Saturday, Nov. 12th from 10:00 am to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 13th from 12:00 pm to 5:00 p.m. at St. Andrews Lutheran Church, 260 N. Northwest Highway in Park Ridge. Items include hand-crafted jewelry, doll clothes, sweaters, candles, chocolates, gift baskets, etc. In addition, Avon and Simply Delicious representatives will also be featured. A portion of the proceeds will benefit The Center of Concern, a nonprofit social service agency providing housing solutions, counseling and support services for seniors, disabled, and others in need.
For information contact Christine, (847) 823-8755 or Jenine (847) 823-0920 (eves)

FISH FISH is a group of volunteer drivers who since 1971 has been providing free transportation to medical appointments for Maine Township residents. We serve communities of Park Ridge, Des Plaines, and parts of Niles.

We are using our 40th anniversary year to invite people in the Maine Township area to "Give Back" by becoming volunteer drivers with FISH. For information please contact: Ed Oken 847 696-0761

If you know someone who needs a ride, please have them contact:
Gloria, Maine Township FISH Transportation Coordinator 847 297-2510
Hobbs Hobby Hut With the Maine South Hawks looking for a 4-peat in defending the 8A title, what better way to show your support of the football team than displaying a Maine South Football Dynasty banner. Excellent detail featuring embroidery and applique, this product would look great hanging in your place of business. And with Christmas around the corner, what a great gift for your child's dorm room or bedroom. Made from top quality wool blend material, the Dynasty banner is intended to honor Maine South Football's series of state championships throughout the years. The banner is 24"W x 36" L and comes with a hanging rod for ease of display. And if the Hawks win another title, it only costs $5.00 to have the additional years embroidered on the banner. Cost $50. To place an order contact us at

Katie and Dan Parker
Hobbs Hobby Hut

Razzle Dazzle from Oakton CC Reserve Now for a Razzle Dazzle Musical Brunch

Looking for good food and delightful music? Then come out to Razzle Dazzle, a performance featuring soprano Eileen Berman, Sunday, November 13, at Oakton.

Enjoy a delicious buffet brunch, followed by a program of memorable music from the American songbook, Broadway, and opera.

Razzle Dazzle hits the stage at 1 p.m., at the TenHoeve Center at Oakton’s Des Plaines campus, 1600 East Golf Road.

Tickets are $25; reservations are required by calling the Oakton Box Office at 847-635-1900.
Janus Premiums Janus Premiums can provide your company with many different kinds of jackets, sweatshirts, pull overs, zip up jackets, t-shirts, fleece outerwear, scarfs, mittens, gloves, hats slippers, etc., everything that you can show your customers, and/or employees, that you care for them by providing them with warm and cozy fleece clothing this coming winter season. Janus Premiums can screen print or embroider your company logo.
Cathy Janus, President
Janus Premiums
Advertising Specialties for your next event

The Summit of Uptown Honors Vets Summit programs turn all eyes to veterans Nov. 7 through 11

As the Greatest Generation went to the beaches of Normandy, General Dwight D. Eisenhower told his troops "The eyes of the world are upon you.” Next week The Summit of Uptown will help families, friends and members of the community turn their eyes to our veterans again with a variety of activities to honor the heroes who have fought for our freedom. Most the events—which are all at The Summit of Uptown—10 N. Touhy (at Summit) are free, but reservations are required by Friday, Nov.4, and may be made by calling 847-825-1161, ext. 129.

A program entitled, “The Candy Bombers,” is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 7, at 2 p.m. when Joyce Haworth will tell the story of the Berlin airlift and the pilots who did the impossible. On Tuesday, Nov. 8, at 1:30 p.m. Chi-Town Entertainers will present “Go USO!” a musical salute to the music of the 1940s and 1950s. Your favorite movie stars will be portrayed in show-stopping scenes and great songs from World War II films including “Follow the Fleet,” “Anchors Aweigh,” “For Me and My Gal” by Steve Frenzal Wednesday, Nov. 9, at 1:30 p.m.

“The U.S. Military—The Gulf War through Afghanistan” is the topic of the luncheon program scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 10 at noon. Al Coughlin, Past Vice Commander of The American Legion and Vivian Melidosian, Captain U.S. Navy Reserves will discuss our armed forces of the past 20 years and the medical treatment of our military. The $10 donation will benefit The American Legion—Department of Illinois.

Concluding the week’s activities Friday, Nov. 11, at 1:30 p.m. will be a program in remembrance of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. In “Remarkable Women of the Civil War,” Lynn Rymarz will tell the story of Sarah Emma Edmonds, soldier, nurse and spy who served in the Union Army.

Guests are encouraged to stay for tours of the newly renovated retirement community. Parking is available in the City’s Central Parking Lot and the Uptown lot across the street. For a list of other entertaining events at Summit, visit

Midwest Palliative & Hospice CareCenter Midwest Palliative & Hospice CareCenter
Challenges in the Care of Those with Far Advanced Disease: Issues of Prognosis,
Cultural Diversity and Ethics
Speaker: Martha L. Twaddle, MD, FACP, FAAHPM
Join Dr. Twaddle in a case-based discussion about the many challenges you
face when caring for patients with far-advanced disease.
November 14, 2011 from 9–10 a.m.
Education Center (Glenview)
Upon completion of the educational activity, participants should be able to:
• Understand the common trajectories of end stage diseases
• Understand common symptoms & signs for the patient at the end of life
• Understand and discuss some of the ethical issues that may arise for
families at the end of life
• Recognize cultural diversity and how it impacts care at the end of life.
Core Curriculum for all Interdisciplinary Team Members
Questions? Contact Robin Facer at x1602 or
Park Ridge Hysterical Society Calling all Professionals...
We are hosting a Certification Training for Laughter

Follow The Laughter
November 9-11
350 S. Northwest Hwy. Park Ridge, IL Teachers,

Doctors, Nurses, Psychologists, Social Workers, Coaches, Motivational Presenters, Actors, Activity Directors, Senior Health Care, Caregivers, Massage Therapists, Yoga Teachers and more have made a difference for themselves and for those they lead or direct learning the experiential benefits of laughter for health and well being of the body, mind and soul. If you are interested or know of a professional who might benefit, pass this information on and join in November 9-11 or Dec 3-4 for the last training's offered in 2011.
For More Information (847) 401-5787

WSI – We Simplify the Internet WSI Webinar - Learn More About Social Location Mobile
Social Media & Mobile Marketing Collide: Overview of So-Lo-Mo - Register Now

Mark your calendars for November 3 at 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT. This is one webinar you do not want to miss! Entitled "Social Media & Mobile Marketing Collide: Overview of So-Lo-Mo", this webinar will teach business owners more about an up and coming concept in the digital world known as social location mobile marketing (aka "so-lo-mo"). With the emergence of sites like Foursquare, Gowalla, Yelp Mobile and Facebook Places, social location marketing is the next big thing.
The term “so-lo-mo” is popping up in our vocabulary, but what does it mean? Simply put, it's the convergence of social media, local search and mobile marketing as a method of creating personal engagement with customers. When done correctly, so-lo-mo can help your company reach the right person, in the right place, at the right time. The idea of “checking in” has become the next big thing in social media. People are now sharing their whereabouts with the world. How can this opportunity be leveraged in the business environment? Learn more by attending this webinar.
Registration Details:
• Topic: Social Media & Mobile Marketing Collide: Overview of So-Lo-Mo
• Date: Thursday, November 3, 2011 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
• Note: Please check the timezone for your region to ensure you don't miss the webinar.
• Register:
NOTE: When prompted to specify the name of the WSI Consultant who invited you to this webinar, please put my name, James Cone, to complete your registration.

Republican Women of Park Ridge You are invited. The Republican Women of Park Ridge, RWOPR, has one large fundraiser a year, the annual-Red, White and Blue Luncheon. Not only will you have a great time but you will help provide needed funds to selected GOP candidates for the upcoming midterm elections. All are welcome. Not a woman? That is OK! We just put 'Women' in the title so we remember who's in charge!

Red, White and Blue Luncheon
Park Ridge Country Club
Sunday, November 6, 2011
11:00am Unique Boutique Shopping
12:00-2:30 Luncheon and Speaker Presentations
$45pp or $320 for table of 8 (one check payment)

This year our speakers, Dr. Arie Friedman and C. Steven Tucker, will offer a very interesting presentation on the issue of our health care system. What 'Obamacare' means to us and small business!

Dr. Arie Friedman practices general pediatrics in the northern suburbs of Chicago and holds a faculty appointment in the Department of Pediatrics at Northwestern Medical School. Highly dedicated to responsible health care reform, Dr. Friedman has become a widely recognized expert and frequently requested speaker on the subjects of health care finance and reform. Prior to attending medical school, Dr. Friedman served in the United States Navy as a helicopter pilot. During his seven years of active duty, Dr. Friedman flew SH-60B Seahawk helicopters out of Naval Air Station North Island, California, from which he deployed twice, including once to the Persian Gulf as part of Operation Desert Storm. Upon completing his fleet tour, Dr. Friedman returned to Pensacola, Florida, as a military Instructor Pilot teaching advanced helicopter operations and tactics. During the span of his naval aviation career, Dr. Friedman conducted 406 shipboard landings including 183 at night. Arie is currently IL State Senate Candidate, 29th District.

C. Steven Tucker is President of He has been a multi-state licensed Independent Health Insurance broker since 1995. In 1999, he officially incorporated his business which provides affordable Tax Qualified Health Insurance products to the Small Business and Self-Employed Community. He has served as a Health & Life Insurance Subject Matter Expert for the Wall Street Journal, Fortune Small Business Magazine, Real Estate Executive Magazine, DHL Worldwide, The Nashville Business Journal and other business journals around the country. Tucker speak the TRUTH about Obamacare as often as possible! Visit:,

Contact Me: Gail Haller
Executive Director
Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce
720 Garden Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068

phone: 847.825.3121
fax: 847.825.3122

Thank you to our Platinum members:
1. All on the Road Catering & Bakery: 847.518.8958
2. AthletiCo Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy: 847-292-4710
3. ATI Physical Therapy: 847.292.0151
4. Blufish Sushi Bistro: 847.720.4479
5. Charter Fitness of Park Ridge: 847.318.7550
6. Comfort Inn O'Hare/Des Plaines: 847.635.1300
7. D'Agostino's Pizza & Pub: 847.518.8700
8. E.J. Coyne & Company Inc: 847.692.9077
9. Express Auto Center: 847.813.9469
10. Home Comfort Heating & Cooling: 847.824.4336
11. Houlihan's Restaurant: 847.692.6205
12. Jason's Deli: 847.823.0210
13. K.G.M. Plumbing, Inc.: 847.583.8988
14. LIN-MAR Motors: 847.965.4200
15. North South Masonry & Tuckpointing: 847.384.0917
16. Pangaea Tiling & Decorative Painting: 847.899.3539 New!
17. Paul Davis Emergency Services: 847.692.5000
18. Periodontics of Niles: 847.685.6686
19. Pickwick Theatre: 847.825.5800
20. Responsive Management Solutions: 847.804.8800
21. Resurrection Health Care: 847.813.3210
22. Ross E. Rubino, D.D.S.P.C. & Associates: 847.825.1002
23. Transition Brokers RE: 312.399.2490
24. Unbound Technology: 847.235.4994
25. Why Not Complete Home Improvement: 847-297-0101
26. Y-Tech Heating & Cooling: 847.696.0477
27. You can be here!