Please come to the Chamber’s monthly networking luncheon on Wednesday, 9/21, from 11:30 to 1:30. We have 50 people signed up so far and I’m hoping for twice that! It will benefit the Park Ridge Community Fund and we have wonderful donations for the drawings and silent auction. Mike Pressler and David Barker will speak about the health center for District 207. The Country Club has a wonderful menu planned. It will be another fun event so don’t wait to rsvp - $30 with rsvp or $35 at the door.
The Mega-Connect scheduled for this Thursday was cancelled due to lack of rsvp’s. We usually get 250 attendees with 18 Chambers participating but it was very slow this time so we had to release the hotel space and the speaker.
Yes, this is a busy week! Board meeting tomorrow, Luncheon on Wednesday, Retail Committee on Thursday, Ambassador lunch on Thursday and Women in Business on Friday!
Andrea Herron will talk on hiring the right person the first time. Le Peep will cater breakfast. Cost is $10/$15.
Also on Friday, Chico’s is having a huge sale and donating 10% of the proceeds to the Park Ridge Community Fund and to MCYAF! So, you’ll see me there.
If you bring in a new member during October, you will receive a $25 Chamber gift certificate! The new member needs to list you under ‘referred by’ on the application.
New members approved between now and the end of the year will be in good standing through the end of next year, 12/31/2012.
Please note that the Business After Hours at Rosewood Restaurant will be on September 29! It will be a fabulous event! Please rsvp to the Chamber so we have an idea of how many to plan for!
If you’re interested in a monthly leads and referral networking group, let me know and we’ll try to fit you into one of the three the Chamber has – and there is no additional charge because it’s included in your membership!
Our Chamber Ambassadors visit prospective and new members and mentor the new members so they feel comfortable at Chamber events and also learn about all the benefits the Chamber offers. If you’d like to be a Chamber Ambassador, let me know or Susan Frangos at who chairs the group. The next meeting is Thursday.
Winterfest will be held on Friday, November 25, from 6 to 9 p.m.
Can you donate $50, $75 or $100 to help cover the costs?
Will you be open and, if so, what activities will be going on at your place of business? Do you have any ideas to drive people into your business? We’re working with the library, the City and the South Park Merchants to make this another successful event.
The next First Fridays is October 7 with the theme “Passport to Park Ridge”. Come help plan! Thursday at 8:30 a.m. at TeaLula – we could use some extra hands!
New group for retailers! Meets on the last Wednesday of each month starting September 28 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Park Ridge Nonprofit Center, 720 Garden Street. Sheila Duda, TeaLula, chair of the Retail Committee will facilitate this new group. The first topic to be discussed will be ‘Facebook for Business’ so bring all your questions and get them answered! Mark Maloney, Findzall, and Ben Wilson, Falkor Group, will answer your questions!
If you have a shop/store in Park Ridge then don’t miss out on the Chamber’s Retail Roundtable! It’s a new group formed to allow retailers the opportunity to discuss issues of interest specifically to them.
Email to rsvp. There is no fee for the Retail Roundtable.
Bring your neighboring retailers too – we hope to get new members for the Chamber. Prospective members can attend 3 meetings and then we ask that they join the Chamber.
There are about a dozen chambers participating in the Multi Chamber Expo & Taste on Tuesday, October 18. Each Chamber is allocated 7 slots for exhibitors. Right now I have 6 spots open but there are other Chamber that have waiting lists so they’re eyeing our spots. If you want to exhibit, let me know asap.
Restaurants pay $50 to exhibit. Everyone else pays $200 til Sept 20 and $250 after that.
The Expo is free to attend with a business card and we usually get hundreds coming through.
Sponsored by Park Ridge Financial Advisors and the Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce featuring a Big Ten Show Down between The Northwestern Wildcats and The Penn State Nittany Lions 2011 ANNUAL HOMECOMING GAME on Saturday, OCTOBER 22nd Time: 6:00pm at Northwestern's Ryan Field - Cost is $40 per ticket.
City Seeks Task Force Volunteers
The City would like to invite interested individuals to serve on two newly created task forces.
The Economic Development Task Force will be comprised of approximately 15 volunteers from a cross-section of the community. Members will include a blend of people from the business community, non-profit, and consumer perspectives. The purpose of the task force is to gain feedback in the areas of marketing, business retention, and business attraction. A letter of interest, including applicable qualifications, should be submitted to the Deputy City Manager, 505 Butler Place, by October 3. Initially, the task force will meet on a monthly basis.
The Sign Review Task Force will be comprised of 8 to 10 individuals from the community, both business and property owners. These individuals will be asked to review the sign ordinance and recommend appropriate changes. Letters of interest should be submitted to the Community Preservation and Development Manager, 505 Butler Place, by October 3. The Sign Task Force is expected to meet as needed to complete its review.
September 21, 11:30am-1:30pm Monthly Networking Luncheon at the Park Ridge Country Club, 636 N. Prospect Avenue ($30 members and $35 at door and for prospective members)
September 22, Thursday 7:30am-9:30am Multi Chamber Networking Event Breakfast in Skokie at the Holiday Inn North Shore, 5300 W. Touhy Ave
September 23, Friday 8:30am-10:00am Women in Business Monthly Networking Breakfast 720 Garden St, Andrea Herran of Focus HR will speak about hiring the right people the first time. ($10 members and $15 at door and for prospective members)
September 27, Tuesday 9:00am-10:00am PREN 2: Park Ridge Executive Network
September 28, Wednesday 9:00am-10:30am Health Care Forum
September 29, Thursday Business After Hours 5:00pm-7:00pm at Rosewood Restaurant, 9421 W. Higgins, Rosemont – Free benefit with your Chamber Membership! Bring your business cards for some serious networking and enjoy food and beverages.
October 15, Electronics Recycling Day at Public Works Service Center
October 22, Northwestern Homecoming Game
November 25, Friday, Winterfest
December 18, Sunday Supper at St Paul of the Cross sponsored by the Chamber
Gail Haller
Executive Director
Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce
720 Garden Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068
phone: 847.825.3121
fax: 847.825.3122
Thank you to our Platinum members
1 All on the Road Catering & Bakery: 847.518.8958
2 ATI Physical Therapy: 847.292.0151
3 AthletiCo Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy: 847.292.4710
4 Blufish Sushi Bistro: 847.720.4479
5 Cardinal Fitness of Park Ridge: 847.318.7550
6 Comfort Inn O'Hare/Des Plaines: 847.635.1300
7 D'Agostino's Pizza & Pub: 847.518.8700
8 E.J. Coyne & Company Inc: 847.692.9077
9 Express Auto Center: 847.813.9469
10 Home Comfort Heating & Cooling: 847.824.4336
11 Houlihan's Restaurant: 847.692.6205
12 Jason's Deli: 847.823.0210
13 K.G.M. Plumbing, Inc.: 847.583.8988
14 LIN-MAR Motors: 847.965.4200
15 North South Masonry & Tuckpointing: 847.384.0917
16 Paul Davis Emergency Services: 847-692-5000
17 Periodontics of Niles: 847.685.6686
18 Pickwick Theatre: 847.825.5800
19 Responsive Management Solutions: 847.804.8800
20 Resurrection Health Care: 847.813.3210
21 Ross E. Rubino, D.D.S.P.C. & Associates: 847.825.1002
22 Transition Brokers RE: 312.399.2490
23 Unbound Technology: 847.235.4994
24 Y-Tech Heating & Cooling: 847.696.0477
25 Why Not Complete Home Improvement: 847-297-0101
26 You can be here!
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