From Gail
Happy Spring, Cindy,
Spring is in the air! My kids are both on spring break this week so I’ll be in and out of the office.
I know many college students in need of summer jobs. If you have any openings for bright college students, let me know as my son and many of his friends are in the market. The jobs they had last year don’t seem to be available this year. My son, Dirk, is finishing his junior year at UIUC in Aeronautical Engineering and last year had a great engineering internship but this year, the firm has a hiring freeze.
Mayoral Debate on March 18 at Country Club!
Thank you to the Park Ridge Country Club for hosting our Monthly networking luncheon last week! We met our goal of 100!
The debate between Mayor Howard Frimark and Alderman Dave Schmidt was lively and interesting. Thank you to both for participating!
Thank you to those providing raffle prizes! Kathleen Frey from Pioneer Press won the $50 Chamber Gift Certificate. There were many other prizes and winners so thank you for participating!
Also, thank you to our Mini Expos: Park Ridge Taxi, Resurrection Health Care, Higher Level Wellness, and You Can Say…Yes!
Workshop March 25: this Wednesday!
Chamber workshop will be held at Comfort Inn in Des Plaines on March 25. Topic is ‘With a Little Help From my Friends: Best Practices & Critical Strategies for Business Prosperity in 2009 . 8 a.m. to noon.
Overview: “Our current economic crisis is hurting everyone and not everyone will get bailed out. Business owners and business leaders face the challenge of making the necessary changes and adjustments to survive. We will conduct a highly interactive 3 hour workshop that will provide attendees with ideas and strategies of how to prosper in 2009. The workshop will combine the presentation of the lastest Vistage International research findings on Best Practices, group discussion and individual planning the group feedback support.”
Vistage International, the world’s leading chief executive organization, and its affiliates have more than 14,000 members in 16 countries. Vistage members generate nearly $300 billion in annual revenue and have more than 2/1 million employees around the world. Vistage is dedicated to increasing the effectiveness and enhancing the lives of chief executives. Member companies are better run and grow their revenues, on average, at twice the percentage growth rate after joining Vistage.
$40 for members; $50 for non members. Full hot deluxe breakfast included. RSVP by today or we may need to reschedule the workshop as we have 3 rsvp’s right now.
Ribbon Cutting
Frame Gallery
March 26, Thursday, 10:00am – 11:00am Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Frame Gallery of Park Ridge, 157 N. Northwest Highway, Join Mayor Howard Frimark and Chamber of Commerce members to celebrate the new ownership of this long-standing Park Ridge store. Open to the public; no reservations needed. Many of our board members and the Chamber Ambassadors will be there!
Multi Chamber Networking
March 26
Spring Splash Multi Chamber Networking Event:
wine & cheese tasting • mini massages • Reiki treatments •
live cooking demonstration by a Whole Foods Market Chef and Swedish Covenant Hospital Dietician • Light refreshments served
Thursday, March 26
5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Airoom Architects & Builders; 6825 N. Lincoln Avenue in Lincolnwood
Hosted by the Sauganash Chamber of Commerce, West Ridge Chamber of Commerce, Edgebrook Chamber of Commerce, Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce and Edison Park Chamber of Commerce
LG BD300 Network Blu-ray Disc™ Player • One-Week Passes to Galter LifeCenter; Coffee Service for Two • Sauganash Wellness Center Reiki Gift Certificate; Sauganash Wellness Center Massage Gift Certificates • And More!
• $5 Chamber Members and Guests • $10 Non-Chamber Members •
As of right now, Park Ridge has no one attending this event.
Women in Business:
March 27
Women in Business Networking Breakfast will be on Friday, March 27 at Rainbow Hospice (note that this is a change due to the construction at the Summit of Uptown).
Susan Calomino, CFP®, CRPC®, MBA, will speak on “BULLET PROOFING YOUR FINANCIAL PLAN”. Susan is a certified financial planner with Lincoln Financial Advisors. $10/$15; 8 9:30 a.m.
This is a great time to network with other women so please get your rsvp’s in. So far, here’s who has rsvp’d:
Jo Ann
MB Financial Bank
Sabella & Graham
Brickton Mortgage Corporation
MB Financial Bank
Select Redesign
Home Comfort Heating & Cooling
Monthly Luncheons
Mini-Expos at Monthly Luncheons: The April 8 luncheon at Rosewood has one sold (Bath Fitter) and 3 available!
Showcase your business with a mini-expo at the monthly networking luncheon! You can set up a display about your business and provide samples, brochures and coupons for your products and services. During the scheduled networking time before and after the meeting, you will have the opportunity to discuss your business with Chamber members. You will also have 1 minute to introduce yourself at the podium during the meeting. The cost of the Mini-Expo is $25. We can have up to 4 per luncheon.
From the City: Main Street Watermain Improvements
The Main Street Watermain Project (Touhy to Prospect) began last week and is expected to last approximately 6 to 8 weeks.
Construction will be done in sections (Touhy to Fairview, and Fairview to Prospect). The work will begin on the Touhy to Fairview Section.
During the construction of each section, that particular section of Main Street will be closed to traffic during daytime hours. Parking in that section will not be available during construction. Alternative parking can be found on Fairview, Prairie, Prospect, Vine, and Courtland.
All businesses will remain open during the construction! Please make a point to stop by and visit our Chamber members on Main Street!
Community Guide 2009
The final draft of the new Community Guide looks great! We’re awaiting the April 7 elections before printing in the event there are any changes. I need to get all the edits to the designer by tomorrow morning.
So, if you haven’t paid your dues for 2009, then you won’t be in the Community Guide!
Park Ridge Hysterical Society
You Can Say... Yes! celebrates the one year anniversary of the Park Ridge Hysterical Society with
LAUGHABOWL....A Laughable fun raising event!
Tuesday March 31st
7 - 10PM
Edison Park Bowl
6713 Olmstead in Edison Park
Fee: $35
Come find out all the wonderful benefits of laughing by joining us for a laughter session, laugher bowling, pizza, appetizers, prizes and more!
Let your laughter loose for a "Feel Good" evening of fun!
Contact: (847) 401-5787 for more information
April 8 at Rosewood: Chamber
Save the Date – April 8 – for the Chamber’s monthly networking luncheon at the Rosewood restaurant in Rosemont.
Speaker: Tom Weber is a trainer with Freedom Personal Development. He has helped train thousands of business professionals, from all walks of life, develop an instant recall memory for names, presentations and information. In today's program, titled "Discovering Your Memory Power," Tom will show us how having a trained memory can make you more money, reduce stress and save you time.
$25 Member/ $30 Future Member
Catherine Johns
April 29
Catherine Johns comes back April 29 for the complete presentation of what we got just half hour of in the Women in Business – “Creating a Powerful Presence”. She was such a hit that I booked her for the 3 hour workshop. $40 for members; $50 for non members. Full hot deluxe breakfast included. Details to follow.
Oakton Community College
Travel back to the time of poodle skirts, hula hoops, and pompadours at Rock Your Socks Off, Oakton Community College’s annual spring benefit, 7 p.m., Saturday, May 2, at 1600 E. Golf Road, Des Plaines.
Legendary WLS-AM disc jockey Clark Weber will host the evening of ‘50s-themed fun, which includes music, dancing, and food. Tickets are $50 with proceeds benefiting Oakton’s Student Scholarship Fund.
For businesses or individuals interested in contributing to this year’s event, four levels of sponsorship are available, starting at $350. In return, you or your company will enjoy valuable name exposure through our promotional materials. More importantly, your tax-deductible gift will make a significant difference in a student’s life.
If you would like to join the fun on May 2, learn more about sponsoring the event, or donate to the Oakton Educational Foundation, please call 847-635-1893.
Golf Outing June 24
The Golf Outing planning committee is full steam ahead and needs workers to help out! The outing is June 24 – Wed – and it will be at the Chevy Chase Country Club for the 3rd year in a row.
We also need sponsors and golfers and silent auction items! If you let me know now, I’ll start advertising your name!
Chamber Newsletter Coupons
Another benefit of Chamber membership: We’ll have an insert of coupons in the Chamber newsletter starting with April! 20 coupons (10 front and back). Cost to have a coupon is $10.
May is Shop Locally Month!
Did you know that Mayor Frimark signed a Proclamation in May 2006 proclaiming May to be Park Ridge’s “Shop Locally” month?!
To that end, we’re establishing a Retail Committee to be chaired by Linda Hills from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory! Tracy Bell from WineStyles and Kim Uhlig from the City are both on the Committee too. We’re looking for other committee members to serve and come up with great ideas to promote shopping Park Ridge! Please email me if you’re interested!
Leads Group #2
There are two members who would like to start a 2nd leads and referral group within the Chamber since their industry spots are already taken in the Park Ridge Executive Network. Financial advisor and CPA spots are taken – all others are open and available. The first meeting is Tuesday, March 24, and they’ll meet on the 4th Tuesday. Call or email me to sign up with the group.
2nd Annual North Shore Women’s Conference on Friday,
May 15
2nd Annual Women’s Conference – A Great Opportunity for Your Business!
If you have a woman-owned company, or a company that caters to women, you’ll want to jump on this opportunity for high visibility at the 2nd Annual North Shore Women’s Conference on Friday, May 15. Presenting Sponsors will receive the following: Listing as Presenting Sponsor with logo on ads, websites, invitations, programs, posters and banner, Expo booth in prime location and four luncheon tickets.
The event will be widely promoted to professional women throughout the North Shore via advertising in the Pioneer Press papers and the Chicago Sun Times, plus media releases, posters, and the publications and websites of the 20 sponsoring chambers of commerce. Don’t miss your opportunity to promote your company to your target market.
The fee to be a Presenting Sponsor is $500. There are only two sponsorships left, so don’t delay!
If sponsorship is not in your budget, you will definitely want to consider participating as an Exhibitor. Women’s networking groups have increased in numbers and popularity in every chamber on the North Shore. Because of this, we know this event is going to be a huge success, and you’ll want to be a part of it. Over 400 women business owners participated in last year’s event!
Our Keynote Speaker, Beverly Chana, is sure to draw many participants, as will the “North Shore’s Largest Networking Luncheon.” Bev is a renowned writer, coach, and employment placement guru. She will present: “Body Language, your body language speaks volumes without ever having to say a word.” The networking portion of the luncheon will feature small-group table networking with in-depth opportunities to promote your business to an eager audience.
SBA Changes
Kim Uhlig, Director of Economic Development, City of Park Ridge Submitted this:
Changes at the Small Business Administration (SBA)
Beginning Monday, March 16, the SBA implements the following changes:
* Temporarily raises guarantees to up to 90 percent on SBA's 7(a) loan program, through calendar year 2009, or until the funds are exhausted. This increase in guarantee levels will help provide banks with the greater confidence they need to extend credit during the current recession, will mean more capital available to small business owners around the country.
* Temporarily eliminates fees for borrowers on SBA 7(a) loans and for both borrowers and lenders on 504 Certified Development Company loans, through calendar year 2009, or until the funds are exhausted. This will mean more capital available to small businesses at a lower cost. The fee elimination is retroactive to February 17, the day the Recovery Act was signed. SBA is developing a mechanism for refunding fees paid on loans since then. Additionally, the President announced that the Treasury Department willcommit up to $15 billion to help unlock the frozen credit markets by purchasing small business loan securities currently frozen on the secondary market, freeing up more capital to jumpstart lending for small business owners.
Wine Styles in Park Ridge
Tracy Bell, WineStyles Park Ridge, is looking for part time help for about 15 to 20 hours per week. Must be over 21!
847-518-WINE (9463);
Join us for Spring Break at Park Ridge WineStyles!
Starting Tuesday March 24th through Sunday March 29th Wine Styles is offering 20% off of all accessories and 20% off all wine purchases. (Two bottle minimum, not valid with 6 for $60 or 5 for $75.00 or any other coupon).
Yesterday, Mayor Howard Frimark announced that May is shop local month!! Help support all the local retailers and shop locally. Join the wine club this month and receive two free riedel wine glasses with purchase while supplies last (one pair per customer). $34.99 a month for two bottles of wine! **Wine Club members; call us to schedule your wine tasting event here, we have extended the expiration date to may 31st! **Non Wine Club members; please call us to schedule your own private tasting starting at $5 per person!
Let us know if you are looking for a particular wine, we can get most wines by the case!!
Park Ridge Community Blood Drive
Park Ridge Community Blood Drive
Monday, March 30, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 418 Touhy Avenue; George Johnson is coordinating the events.
Appointments: LifeSource 847-803-7943
George is requesting goodie bag items to give to blood donors such as gift certificates to theater, restaurants, salons and other items. Total of 75. If you have something to donate, please call George at 847-823-3444.
Got an Old Stove to Donate?
Donation needed: St. Matthew Center for Health is looking for an old stove for its memory care area and since it won’t be plugged in, it doesn’t have to work. Please contact Lynn Reiels or Valerie Niskanen at 847-825-5531 if you can help. Donations to St. Matthew are tax deductible.
Springfield Roundup (received from Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce):
‘Governor Patrick Quinn delivered his Budget Address on March 18 to a joint session of the Illinois General Assembly and presented a dire fiscal situation for the State of Illinois: an $11.6 billion deficit. While he personally received a warm welcome from legislators, his proposed budget engendered a mixed reaction, particularly his call for tax increases and other revenue changes. The highlights are listed below.
Quinn also proposed a capital infrastructure plan called Illinois Jobs Now! to be funded through a combination of federal, state and local funds, including increases in certain motor vehicle-related fees. The $26 billion bonded plan has already met with some skepticism because the funding sources are not expected to bring in more than $4.5 billion over several years.
The governor also embraced pension reform for new state employees to include these provisions: adjusting the retirement age upward; changing the benefit formula to make it similar to private sector; reducing the COLA adjustments; and increasing employee contributions. The proposed budget also includes some cost-cutting measures across state government, some so-called “sweeps” of state funds, and the use of forthcoming federal stimulus monies. And, a Taxpayer Action Board is being created and will be headed by Tom Johnston of the Taxpayers’ Federation of Illinois, who said that the board will not recommend tax changes, but instead will focus on efficiencies and new approaches to fiscal problems.
Proposed tax changes:
Increase individual income tax from 3 to 4.5 percent; Increase personal exemption from $2000 to $6000; Increase corporate income tax from 4.8 to 7.2 percent (plus 2.5 personal property replacement tax brings total to 9.7 percent, one of the highest in the country); Increase cigarette tax by $1.00 per pack.
Other business and sales tax changes:
Change definition of U.S. for certain business subsidiaries;Decouple from the 2004 federal business tax cuts;Tax insurance purchased by certain businesses from large companies outside of Illinois;Decouple from qualified production credit;Repeal research and development credit; Limit corporate income tax credits to 50 percent of liability; Create a sales tax on customized computer software; Roll back the graphic arts exemption to only include production; Allow the Manufacturers’ Purchase Credit to expire; Tax sweetened tea and coffee at the same rate as soft drinks; Taxing all grooming and hygiene products at the same rate; Decrease retailers’ vendor discount fee from 1.75 to .75 percent. (This is being proposed to offset a revenue loss from a “sales tax holiday” to take place in August 2009) Make changes to certain banking transactions; Decouple from federal stimulus provisions.’
Diddy Blyth
Diddy Blyth, A Sterling Design, is also a singing member of the Chicago Master Singers. Their April 17th and 19th spring concert has the best of the masters and the best of the living composers: Schubert’s Mass in A-flat major and Morten Lauridsen’s Lux Eterna. Order tickets online at: or call 1-800-595-4TIX (595-4849) [24-hour ticket service]
Save the Date for Fun:
July 28
Schaumburg Flyers is hosting an event you don’t want to miss! Tuesday, July 28, is Chamber Night, an annual multi-Chamber of Commerce networking event at Alexian Field in Schaumburg. Picnic at 5:35: hot dogs, hamburgers, bbq baken beans, pasta salad, chips, cookies, water and soda.
Game at 7:05 p.m. Schaumburg Flyers vs Fargo-Moorhead Redhawks; Baseball Bingo presented by Amtrak; First 2,000 fans will receive a bingo card.
Join us for one of the most unique networking events ever! Don’t miss the chance to network in an informal atmosphere that only a baseball park can offer! No matter what line of business you are in, this is a chance for you to build relationships with business leaders in the Chicagoland area. All Family Members are Welcome! Cost: $8 (tickets only), $23.08 (Tickets & picnic)
Children 12 & Under Only $15.54 (tickets & picnic)
Sign up before July 13 for all chamber members and their families.
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