Thursday, March 24, 2011

Gail's Weekly Chamber MEMBER UPDATE

Tonight is the Chamber’s monthly Business After Hours and it’s at Global Handmade Hope, 428 W. Touhy – park in the church lot if street parking is gone.

Don’t forget that our Women in Business luncheon is tomorrow – we have a great lineup of ladies on the panel and Jay Crowley is moderating. Panino’s is catering lunch – 11:30 to 1. RSVP now!

Did you know that:
• TODAY! From noon to 5 PM, CHICO's is going to donate 10% of our customers' entire purchase to The Red Cross for the Japan Relief Fund.
• When shopping locally, think of our service businesses too.
• The LockUp Self Storage gives $25 for new tenant referrals made by current tenants?
• WINESTYLES: FRIDAY EVENING is the 2nd spring break wine tasting. It’s free 5-7 with Jason from VINTAGE WINES. TASTE OUR BEST SELLING WINE IN THE STORE- DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS? ALSO SOME OTHER GREAT 6 FOR $60 WINES and a couple new ones too!
• Rosewood Restaurant is almost sold out for their 4 course meal with special wines on 3/30 at 6:30? 847.696.9494
• Linda Russo, hairstylist in Park Ridge will help you make a Salon Easter basket filled with spa goodies for that special person. Call Linda at 847-493-9012
• Chris’ Landscape is celebrating 16 years of business! And Chris is hiring!
• Jason’s Deli was just named as “The BEST Restaurant in America!” Tasty Pup always has Italian beef sandwiches in case you miss Al’s Beef – plus a selection of meals for Lent.
• Chickie’s Diner is also serving special meals for Lent.
• June Moon will be at 9701 Oak Lane in Des Plaines (north of Golf Road, west of Potter Road) on Friday March 25th and Saturday March 26th from 9AM to 3PM each day and possibly on Sunday March 27th from 10AM to 1PM.
• TriPilates offers a Spring Fever Package
• April is Healthy Living Month in Park Ridge:

As you spend your money, please remember to spend it with Chamber members first. Don’t forget about all the services you use and please check our website or call us for referrals. The Chamber only gives referrals out to Chamber members.
Need a vacation? Call Nadya at Tanya Travel. When you book your dental temps, think Dental Placement Auxiliary in Park Ridge. Are you planning for retirement? I use Rick Pucci personally but, again, there are other great financial planners to choose from.
All your insurances should be local – I use Dave and Pete Donovan for my home and auto, Frimark Keller for Chamber, but there are several other great ones to choose from in the Chamber.
Banking? We have great banks! I personally use MB Financial (4% checking!) but I love all our other banks too! Each offers something wonderful!
Shell Auto on Greenwood and Touhy is the only gas station in the Chamber and I always fill up there. Our favorite electrician is Sklena Electric and the only one in the Chamber. My daughter is enrolled in StageCoach Theatre School and takes ice skating through the Park District. My son works at Houlihan’s.
Eric Nelson, Nelson Automotive, just took my scooter (Yamaha Jog) to sell and then detailed my son’s car (and you know I bought my M-B SLK230 from Eric!). I’ve also use McGarry Auto and Express Auto to fix cars in addition to Nelson Automotive.
TeaLula is our only tea shop, WineStyles is our only wine specialty store, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory is our only specialty chocolate store, South Park Cleaners is our only dry cleaners.
Do me a favor, if there is a business you use in Park Ridge that is not a Chamber member, ask them to join and give them my card.
I know I’ll get in trouble with the hundreds of Chamber members I didn’t mention so please don’t email me just to scold me! I just want you to think about supporting not only stores but service businesses that may not have store fronts because we still spend our money buying these services, goods, products, and more.
Thank you for your support!

OnView March Feature Artist: Photographer Russell Phillips

Saturday March 26, 2011 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm meet artist Russell Phillips, view work from his series "Scene from the Sidewalk" series and enjoy light refreshments. Russell will give a short informal talk at 5:30 pm followed by Q + A.

Scene from the Sidewalk is a series Russell has been photographing on for over 30 years. This work was part of the 1999 photo project "Changing Chicago: Architecture and the Work Place" as well as the "Chicago In The Year 2000" project.

Russell's work will be featured through April 9th.

E&A Digital Media Co. is gearing up for another season of filming.
With spring all ready here it is the perfect time for outside video and photography shoots. E&A Digital Media Co. has lined up many clients, events, activities for a wonderful season of outside filming and photographing.
Also, in participation with Gail Haller filming will begin at several Chamber events! See you there!!!!
Emmett Talkington
E & A Digital Media Co.
(773) 983-4300

MCYAF, the Maine Community Youth Assistance Foundation, will conduct Project Sticker Shock on Wednesday, April 13th. Teams of teens with adult chaperones will be out in force that day visiting retail stores in Park Ridge, Des Plaines and Niles that sell alcoholic beverages. They will place stickers on packages of alcoholic beverages that read “Warning: It is illegal 1) to provide alcohol to a person under age 21 and 2) for a minor to use a fake ID.”
The event reminds adults that providing alcohol to minors is illegal, unhealthy, and dangerous. MCYAF and its partners hope the message will deter adults who otherwise might buy, sell and provide alcohol to teens or simply look the other way when it comes to teenagers drinking.

Kiwanis One Day
Kiwanis is a global organization comprised of members of every age who are dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time. The motto of Kiwanis International is “Serving the Children of the World”.
Kiwanis One Day has become one of the most important days on the Kiwanis calendar. Each year, Kiwanis clubs around the world join in a day of service to their community. In 2011, Kiwanis One Day is April 2nd.
The Park Ridge Kiwanis Clubs will be joining forces on April 2nd to clean up some area roadways and make our community cleaner – better –safer than the rest!
The Kiwanis Morning Club will be cleaning Riverside Drive from Oakton to Dee Rd, and Touhy from Dee Rd to the City-limits. The Kiwanis Noon Club will be cleaning Dee Rd from Devon to Higgins. Both clubs will then proceed to Dee Rd for the 1-mile stretch from Talcott to Devon, by Maine South H.S.
For more information about the Park Ridge Kiwanis programs, becoming a member, or your support of upcoming events, please contact Jeff Sorensen at (847) 812-7447.

How can I get rid of the weeds on my lawn without using toxic chemicals?
One approach is to simply pull them out. Many tools, such as Grandpa's Weeder and the Weed Bully, can be used for this.
Alternatives: Pour boiling water mixed with white vinegar on the weeds. Or buy a lawn torch, such as Weed Dragon of Hot Spotter, which attaches to a propane tank and can be used to burn weeds-BUT use it only when the lawn is wet to avoid fire.
To prevent weeds from growing: Use corn gluten in early spring-it is an effective preemergent (a natural nontoxic herbicide) and is available at garden stores.

If you have longed to improve your mental, emotional and physical health, or sought to create real happiness in your life, regardless of your past or present circumstances, or wanted to better your overall sense of well-being and inner peace, then “The Inner Art of Meditation” may be for you. This free Timely Talk will be held at 2:00 p.m., on April 20, at Norwood Crossing, 6016-20 N. Nina Ave. in Chicago.
During the program, attendees will learn the steps to master conscious relaxation of body and breathing meditation. Participants should wear comfortable clothing, and refreshments will be available. Parking is available in the lot behind Norwood Crossing, entrance off Avondale Ave.
For more information, please call (773) 577-5323.

Highway Commissioner Robert Provenzano and two of his department volunteered March 11 to help move an American Eagle statute to Emerson Middle School (D-64) in Niles.
The statute was accepted by Principal Dr. Victoria Mogil. Kane Connell, Branch Manager of Liberty Bank in Park Ridge, arranged for the donation. The statue was originally sponsored by Liberty Bank as part of the 2010 Promise of Park Ridge public art project and was displayed in Hodges Park in front of the Park Ridge City Hall. The mascot for Emerson is the Eagle.

Park Ridge City Hall, 505 Butler Place
For all suburban Cook County registered voters
March 14 - 31
Hours: Monday – Saturday
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Election Day is April 5, 2011
Can you please help me spread the word about our Eco-Easter event for kids 5yrs and up. Saturday April 9th 2pm to 3:30pm.
Make a statement this year that the Easter Bunny will love! Grow bright green, real grass in your Easter basket with our take-home kit. Everything you need is in the kit, and grass will be ready within 10 days. Each kit contains enough materials for two medium baskets. And if you need baskets, we have plenty of colorful, handmade fair-trade baskets available in the shop! Then, we’ll make papier-mache eggs, which is a fun, creative way to recycle paper. With fresh, green grass and colorful eggs, your basket will be bright, beautiful and earth-friendly! Cost is $14 register online or call 847-720-4084.
Global Handmade Hope
428 W. Touhy Ave. Park Ridge, IL 60068
M-F 10-6:00, Sat 10-5
(847) 720-4084

ALSO she’s hosting our Business After Hours next week:

Come enjoy casual networking and Green Spa evening event hosted by Cynthia Glensgard at Global Handmade Hope, 428 W. Touhy, on Thursday, March 24th from 5-7pm. Eleanor Reily (
will provide information, tips, recipes and take home samples, and you will learn how to make your own luxurious spa quality products for a fraction of the cost of brand names. This event is normally $18 per person but free for attendees. Cynthia will give a short talk about social justice and fair trade. Parking is behind the store in parking lot or street parking.

Gail Haller
Executive Director
Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce
720 Garden Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068

phone: 847.825.3121
fax: 847.825.3122


Thank you to our Platinum members
1. All on the Road Catering & Bakery: 847.518.8958
2. ATI Physical Therapy: 847.292.0151
3. AthletiCo Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy: 847-292-4710
4. Cardinal Fitness of Park Ridge: 847.318.7550
5. Comfort Inn O'Hare/Des Plaines: 847.635.1300
6. D'Agostino's Pizza & Pub: 847.518.8700
7. E.J. Coyne & Company Inc: 847.692.9077
8. Express Auto Center: 847.813.9469
9. Home Comfort Heating & Cooling: 847.824.4336
10. Houlihan's Restaurant: 847.692.6205
11. Jason's Deli: 847.823.0210
12. K.G.M. Plumbing, Inc.: 847.583.8988
13. LIN-MAR Motors: 847-965-4200
14. Panino’s Pizzeria: 847. 823.3450
15. Park Ridge Community Fund: 847.825.5311
16. Pickwick Theatre: 847.825.5800
17. ProWindow Window Service, Inc.: 847-825-4890
18. Resurrection Health Care: 847.813.3210
19. Romano's Family Pizzeria & Sports Bar: 847.823.7499
20. Ross E. Rubino, D.D.S.P.C. & Associates: 847.825.1002
21. Unbound Technology: 847.235.4994
22. Y-Tech Heating & Cooling: 847.696.0477
23. You can be here!

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