Thursday, December 8, 2011

Member News

A Note From Gail,

Don’t forget! Today, the Health Care Forum is featuring Chef Syliva Melendez-Klinger who will teach us how to put the FUN and Healthy back into cooking. Here at 720 Garden from 5:30 to 6:30 – seating is limited so call now to reserve your seat!

Thank you to all of you who came out for ‘It’s a Wonderful Life!’ at the Pickwick on Sunday as it was our highest attendance of 1,000! And we netted more than $4,000 for the Park Ridge Community Fund, another record high! Special thanks to our sponsors Liberty Bank for Savings, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital and Advocate Lutheran General Children’s Hospital.

MRRO – new member! Welcome to Most Reliable Remodelers Organization (MRRO) who just submitted their application last night! The founder, Steven Wang, was just telling me about their upcoming expo in Skokie Village Crossing at the former ComUSA, next door to Dick’s Sporting Goods. The expo is Wed, Jan. 25 through Sunday Jan. 29 and is free. MRRO partnered with the National Breast Cancer Foundation to sell raffle tickets with the grand prize being a brand new Mercedes, BMW, or Cadillac! We’re working out details to have a Park Ridge Chamber day too.

Happy Birthday to board member Rick Pucci who celebrates this Sunday!

Did you know…? Did you know:

… Lynnette VanDien Bertolotti from Lynnette's School of Dance judged the DECA regional high school competition with me on Tuesday? She said she’d like to hire some of them on the spot!

… Tomorrow is Vive! Therapeutic Massage open house: Friday, Dec. 9th, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Offering free chair massages. Bring a friend! 1416 S. Canfield. 847-637-0002

…that Diddy Blyth, A Sterling Design, sings with the Chicago Master Singers? She invites you to attend the Christmas performances this weekend. Call Diddy for more information: 847-698-6383

… June Moon will be at 1005 Queens Lane in Glenview this Friday December 9th and Saturday December 10th from 9AM to 3PM. Check our June Moon Home Page Upcoming for details or call us at 847-698-2559.

… The Jeanine Schultz School invites you to a special holiday celebration - “A Christmas Carol - Scrooge” performed by their own talented students. The presentation is Thursday, December 15th at 1:00pm at the school auditorium located at 2101 W. Oakton Street. Please RSVP by December 10th to 847-696-3315 or

… that Oakton Community College was named as one of the safest campuses in the Nation?

… Sun and Moon Yoga is having a Yoga & Gong Meditation this Sunday, 12/11, at 2026 Oakton – 224-305-YOGA for more info.

… the Park Ridge Hysterical Society with have chocolate covered laughter on Tuesday, 12/13, from 7 to 8 p.m. at 350 S. Northwest Hwy. 847-401-5787

… Buy $50 in Houlihan's gift cards now through Dec 24th, get a $10 dining certificate.

… A great Christmas present for your daughter is to book a Feather Hair Extention Party! Make your Feather Party appointment with Linda Russo Hairstylist in Park Ridge call Linda Russo at 847-493-9012

… if you can't think of what to get the "hard to buy for people" on your holiday list? Think POPCORN!! Choose from our variety of baskets and tins...they make great gifts. Mention that you saw this offer in the Park Ridge Chamber update and receive a $5 gift card with a purchase of $25 or more from 12/8/11 to 12/10/11. Lisa's Homemade Italian Ice - What's Pop'n Popcorn, 10 S. Northwest Hwy, 847-692-3737

… The Odyssey will have a fabulous New Year’s Eve cruise - or call 866.305.2469.

…Carlucci Rosemont is offering a 4 course Tuscan Italian Dinner for Two for just $119 on New Year’s Eve! Live entertainment and dancing! 847-518-0990. Champagne toast at midnight. Comp valet parking!
… oral health is connected with your general health? Learn more! Visit Periodontics of Niles, office of Dr. Dorothy Anasinski and enjoy the Holiday Special. With our special, you will receive the following: Comprehensive Exam, X-Rays, Personal Consultation, Preventative Professional Cleaning*, Teeth Whitening Kit, and Fresh Breath System... all for only $198.00. Call us now at (847) 685-6686 *In absence of periodontal disease. Reg. fee $455. *has to be purchased before December 21st and used by February 28th
15% of courtesy for senior citizens Periodontics of Niles gives special Courtesy discounts to the Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce:
Chamber of Commerce Employees and Board Members: 20% Courtesy
Chamber of Commerce Members: 15% Courtesy

… Today through Sunday -- "BLING IT ON" Event at Chico's. Receive 25% off of your entire purchase (including already reduced merchandise) along with your 5% passport. New jewelry, accessories and gift items for your holiday gift giving.

… Petite Opera performs "Amahl and the Night Visitors" continues through this weekend and asks "Would you Like Even MORE Entertainment with That?" Scroll down for schedule.

… Diddy Blyth has just published the 2012 Historical Calendar in a CD jewel case that sits on a desktop. She used her own images of Park Ridge and compiled an interesting array of historical facts of Park Ridge that sits on top of a continental divide. Many more interesting facts are stated on the back of each monthly page. Only $15.00 each. Call 847-698-6383; write to get you calendar for teacher gifts, grab bag item or family stocking stuffers!

… BFF Personal Trainer, Lisa Gordon, 847.987.2216 offers gift certificates and has an enewsletter.

… Yard waste collection ends for the season the week of December 12. Resumes again April 2012.

A-Frame Signs Ordinance passed! Certain A-Frame Signs
A-frame signs, also known as “sandwich boards,” used to advertise a business, its products or its services may be displayed by a retail
establishment in a commercial district between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Only one such sign, not exceeding twenty-four (24) square feet (12’ per side) in size shall be permitted for each establishment. The sign may not be placed on roadways and must be placed in such a manner as to not obstruct pedestrian traffic and may only be placed along the actual frontage of the establishment. The sign may be placed on public property as long as a
Certificate of Insurance, in an amount determined by the City, is provided to the City prior to displaying the sign.

Thank you to the City Council for changing the sign ordinance to allow for A-Frame signs. Thank you to Sheila Duda, TeaLula, for faithfully attending the City Council meetings to keep this moving.

Family Dental Care Park Ridge This year, Family Dental Care Park Ridge is proud to be a part of the Angel Tree Program once again. When you come into our office, you will notice the "tree" hanging on our wall with ornamental tags adorning the "tree". Each tag has written on it the gender, age and gift suggestion of a child in need. Please consider bringing joy to a child's life this season by taking one of the tags and buying a gift for that child. You do not need to wrap the gift...just drop it off at our office before December 14th and your gift will be picked up and delivered by the Salvation Army. Each person who participates in this year's Angel Tree Program at Family Dental Care Park Ridge will be entered into a drawing to win a gift certificate to Wildfire's a definite win/win. Help bring a smile to a child this holiday season and your smile may be brightened with a dinner at Wildfire on us!!

Contact Vivien at 847.692.6800 or email us at for more details.
TriPilates TriPilates is giving away a HOLIDAY GIFT!
We want to say THANK YOU for making November 2011 the best month ever at the studio! We are grateful each and every time you come in, and we hope you are a fan of Pilates and what it can do for your body, mind, and spirit.
If you haven't yet, make your resolution BEFORE the New Year begins! Give it a TRY. "LIKE" us on our FACEBOOK PAGE

Like us on Facebook

Be automatically be entered in a contest drawing for a PRIVATE LESSON
Winners will be drawn on December 31, 2011.
Private lesson to be scheduled anytime in January

We are looking to catapult our fan page as a ways and means to spread the message of Pilates in our community here in Park Ridge and surrounding suburbs. Please help us! Feel free to forward this email to your friends!

Only fans of TriPilates Facebook page will be entered into the holiday gift contest!
Beyond Compare Virtual Assistants Even Santa needs help getting all those toys delivered around the world on Christmas Eve. He's got elves and reindeer to pull it off. You've got Beyond Compare Virtual Assistants and this month only you can have our services at half price.

We can help you with:

• Letters or e-mails that need responses
• Holiday cards and /or e-mails
• Spreadsheets that need updating
• Appointments that need to be made
• Sorting and making files for that pile of paperwork that's sitting on your desk
• All the business cards that you have been collecting that need to be organized so you can streamline your marketing contacts
• Or any other administrative tasks that need to be finished so you can enjoy the holidays with your family and friends.

Think of it as our holiday gift to you. When you buy one hour you get one hour free (Maximum of four (4) free hours and offer expires 12/31/11). Please call Janet at 847/298-4069 or e-mail: for more information.

Brickton Art Center Brickton Art Center
Join us for the 7th ANNUAL BENEFIT ART EXHIBITION AND AUCTION at Brickton Art Center, 306 Busse Hwy, through Dec. 10th, 2011.

Featuring works donated by professional artists for a silent auction and art exhibition. Bidding through Saturday, Dec. 10th at 9pm.

This year Brickton Art Center has invited students from school district 207 to participate by submitting new creations on 5” X 5” canvas. Each will be sold for a flat fee and proceeds from sales of student work go toward a scholarship fund, which will be awarded to a participating student.

Closing Night Gala, Saturday, Dec. 10th, 7-9:30pm, free and open to the public. Enjoy an evening of champagne and hors d’oeurvres while you enter the winning bid on your favorite work of art!

Bidding will close one wall at a time starting at 9pm.

Check for online bidding instructions after 11/16/2011. For more information call: 847-823-6611.

CorePower Yoga Park Ridge CorePower Yoga Park Ridge
Saturday, December 17th
10:00am - 12:00pm
Park Ridge Studio
Holiday Shopping Party
Come get your holiday shopping started. Preview new styles
from your favorite brands and have the chance to be entered
to win a month of unlimited yoga.
Special discounts on retail from
10:00am - 12:00pm only
Shop, mingle and enjoy wine and light refreshments.
W e hope you’ll join us! 847-496-4359

Sun and Moon Yoga Sun and Moon Yoga
Yoga and Gong Meditation Workshop
Presented by Karin Newsome and James Jirik

Join Sun and Moon’s Vinyasa teacher, Karin Newsome, and Kundalini Yoga Teacher, James Jirik, for a yoga and gong meditation workshop session to balance the chakras, reduce holiday stress and bring yourself closer to your true Self through yoga and Sound!
Where: Sun and Moon Yoga Studio

When: Sunday, December 11th at 2:30p.m. to 3:30p.m.
Cost: $20.00
A yoga sequence will be presented to reduce physical and mental tension and to build stamina. The gong and singing bowl meditation will follow to create a vibrational environment that will clear negative energy from your body-mind and allow you to access your inner guru, your true Self.

Petite Opera Show Schedule for Amahl and the Night Visitors Petite Opera performs "Amahl and the Night Visitors" Dec 2-11 and asks "Would you Like Even MORE Entertainment with That?"

Petite Opera Productions, Park Ridge's own professional opera company right in your backyard, presents the delightful family holiday classic, “Amahl and the Night Visitors” by Gian Carlo Menotti. Written in 1951 for NBC, this delightful opera, in English, follows the story and imagination of Amahl, a young crippled shepherd boy, as he sees the largest star in the sky. Three kings, following the star to Bethlehem, ask to stay the night with Amahl and his Mother, a poor widow. The kings lay out the gifts they have brought for the Messiah. The Mother is tempted to steal the gifts to care for crippled Amahl, but is instead touched by the wonders of the Christ child as told by the kings. Likewise, Amahl is so moved that he offers his crutch as a gift to the child, and a miracle occurs.

Each performance of “Amahl and the Night Visitors” is preceded by a special guest artist:

• FRI Dec 9 at 7:30 PM with special guest Galina Dance Studio performing "The Christmas Tree" ballet
• SAT Dec 10 at 7:30 PM with special guest Willows Academy Madrigal Singers
• SUN Dec 11 at 7:30 PM with special guest Musicke's Merrie Companions (recorder quintet)
For tickets: Reserve via phone: Petite Opera 847.553.4442 or via, or purchase online via credit card at (convenience fees apply).



Are you challenged and overly stressed during the holidays? Do you feel the need to balance gift shopping, home decorating, dinner preparations, entertaining, and your job while meeting many other tasks and responsibilities? All of that would be enough to create stress for anyone. Despite an attempt to be a super-person during December, there are remedies that can lessen stress. Find out by attending the Timely Talk on “How to Reduce Stress for the Holidays,” at 2:00 p.m., on Dec. 14, at Norwood Crossing, 6016-20 N. Nina Ave. in Chicago. Parking is available in the lot behind the building, entrance off Avondale Avenue.
Making the presentation will be Lynn Lombardo, a yoga instructor certified by the Temple of Kriya Yoga, and Linda Pawlisz, MA, a certified clinical aromatherapist and hypnotherapist.
A question and answer session along with refreshments will follow the program. For more information or to RSVP, please call (773) 577-5323.

Contact Me: Gail Haller
Executive Director
Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce
720 Garden Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068
phone: 847.825.3121
fax: 847.825.3122
Thank you to our Platinum members
1. All on the Road Catering & Bakery: 847.518.8958
2. AthletiCo Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy: 847-292-4710
3. ATI Physical Therapy: 847.292.0151
4. Blufish Sushi Bistro: 847.720.4479
5. Charter Fitness of Park Ridge: 847.318.7550
6. Comfort Inn O'Hare/Des Plaines: 847.635.1300
7. D'Agostino's Pizza & Pub: 847.518.8700
8. E.J. Coyne & Company Inc: 847.692.9077
9. Express Auto Center: 847.813.9469
10. Home Comfort Heating & Cooling: 847.824.4336
11. Houlihan's Restaurant: 847.692.6205
12. Jason's Deli: 847.823.0210
13. K.G.M. Plumbing, Inc.: 847.583.8988
14. LIN-MAR Motors: 847.965.4200
15. North South Masonry & Tuckpointing: 847.384.0917
16. Pangaea Tiling & Decorative Painting: 847.899.3539
17. Paul Davis Emergency Services: 847.692.5000
18. Periodontics of Niles: 847.685.6686
19. Pickwick Theatre: 847.825.5800
20. Responsive Management Solutions: 847.804.8800
21. Resurrection Health Care: 847.813.3210
22. Ross E. Rubino, D.D.S.P.C. & Associates: 847.825.1002
23. Transition Brokers RE: 312.399.2490
24. Unbound Technology: 847.235.4994
25. Village Bank & Trust: 847-870-6007 New!
26. Why Not Complete Home Improvement: 847-297-0101
27. Y-Tech Heating & Cooling: 847.696.0477
28. You can be here!

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